英语悠选脱口秀 第127期:时尚拉风都是一种态度(在线收听


Today's key word is Chic
Chic C-H-I-C
Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated.
Here is an example:
She is always so chic, so elegant.
Everybody wants to be chic. Chic这个词呢,不仅仅是指时尚,漂亮。它还是一种态度。但是态度这种内在的东西,一两天也没法改变。
So let's start from the outside.
The word Chic was first used in France in 1856 and probably comes from the German word Schick, which means skill, elegance and fitness.
Her Dress:
A chic woman is always elegant and attractive in her appearance. She looks smart, clean and well groomed.
Her clothes are usually simple, modest, well fitting and stylish.一个chic的女孩,虽然不拜金,但也会很注意自己的外表。衣服不在贵贱,干净得体,精心搭配,有自己的风格才是真正的Chic.
And recently, effortless chic is very popular. So what is effortless chic?其实就是指,看似随意的穿着,其实是人家在房间捯饬了俩小时才整出来的。
看似画个自然淡妆,但其实对着镜子画到手抽筋。You want to have an effortless chic look.
All I can say is practice makes perfect.说完外在,来聊聊内在。外表chic了,内在呢?这里必须加一句,Manners Maketh the Man
辣么,一个真正的chic lady一定要具备以下3种属性:
1.Has good manners, is always classy without being a pushover or being flashy浮夸 俗丽的.
2.Intelligent, with a fun sense of humor and a genuine enjoyment of life.
3.Has an aura光环 of quiet confidence and self-belief.
虽然只有三点,但是也是需要多年的修炼才能成精,no, 成功!
那么对照上面的标准,你心中的chic lady 是谁呢? 男生们,你们觉得什么样的女孩才算Chic? Tell us on our wechat search for ayoenglish ayo English
Talk to you next time.