美国小学英语教材4:第61课 莫尼和他的山羊(4)(在线收听

   He was wondering if he might try to climb a new side of the mountain this afternoon. 莫尼在想他下午是不是可以试着爬到他未曾去过的山的另一侧。

  It would be fun to lead the goats high up to the Three Dragon Stones, where the tenderest grass and bushes grew. 带着羊群爬上三龙石时会很好玩的,那里生长着最嫩的青草和灌木。
  The way was steep, and there were dangerous places on the mountain wall; 那里的道路非常陡峭,是山上危险的地方,
  but he knew a good path, and the goats were always very careful. 但是他知道一条不错的路,并且山羊们一直都很小心。
  So, after eating his lunch, Moni started up to the Three Dragon Stones, with the goats climbing joyfully after him. 于是莫尼吃完午饭后,就开始向三龙石进发了,羊群也高兴地跟着他往上爬。
  Soon most of them had run ahead of him except little Meggie, who always stayed near at hand. 没多久,大多数山羊都跑到了他的前面,除了小梅吉总是跟随在他身边。
  At first everything went very well. 开始一切都很顺利。
  With long leaps the goats rushed forward to the green bushes and grass on the slopes above. 山羊们一个个用力得一跃,就冲到了前面,去吃斜坡上那些嫩绿的灌木和青草。
  Ahead of them all ran the light-footed Swallow, springing from rock to rock. 步履轻盈的燕子从一块岩石跳到另一块岩石上,总是跑在最前面。
  Today she was to have a surprise. 今天它将面临一次意外。
  Half-way up, the young goat stopped suddenly. 这只小山羊爬到半路时,突然停了下来。
  Before her stood a wild chamois looking curiously at her. 她前面站着一只野生岩羚羊,正好奇地看着她。
  Such a thing had never happened to Swallow before. 燕子以前从没遇见过这种事情。
  She stood still, waiting for the stranger to move aside so that she could jump to the rock above. 她站在那里一动不动,等着这个陌生的家伙走开,这样她就能跳到上面的岩石上了。
  But the wild mountain animal did not stir from Swallow's path; 但是这个野生岩羚羊没有给燕子让路;
  he kept on looking boldly into her eyes. 他一直大胆地盯着她的眼睛看。