2018年CRI China, Russia to promote greater development of bilateral ties(在线收听


Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the two agreeing to try to push ties to an even higher level.

Putin is on his first visit to China since he began his new term as Russian President this past month.

As part of his discussions with Putin, President Xi Jinping says the current China-Russia relationship, officially described as a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination, is "mature, stable and solid."

"No matter how international situations change, China and Russia always regard developing bilateral ties as their diplomatic priorities. They firmly support each other in defending their respective core interests, deepen cooperation in all areas such as trade and economy, investment, energy and people-to-people exchanges, jointly and actively participate in global governance, and play a pivotal role in establishing a new type of international relations and building a community with a shared future for mankind," says Xi.

The Chinese president says China-Russia cooperation maintained a strong momentum through the years, saying the two sides have been consistent in their plans to integrate their mutual interests.

He's also called on both sides to explore new ideas for cooperation, suggesting the high-level political relationship has more room for practical cooperation.

Xi Jinping has suggested one of the areas ripe for growth is people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

Vladimir Putin has described Russia's bilateral ties as being at their best level in history, saying the relationship can be held-up as model for state-to-state relations for the rest of the world.

"The Russia-China relationship features the spirit of good-neighborly friendship, and is moving forward under the spirit of their comprehensive strategic partnership. The bilateral cooperation has remained close in bilateral trade, economy and investment. The two countries have also worked closely under the multilateral frameworks, and actively promoted dialogues in diplomacy and military sectors," says Putin.

The Russian president says his government has been looking to bolster ties with China in key areas including economics, trade, investment, energy and infrastructure.

Following their discussions, Xi Jinping has awarded Putin the first-ever Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China.

"President Putin is a leader of a major country with world influence and also a founder and promoter of high-level China-Russia relations. Since 2000, President Putin visited China for 19 times and attended international events. Putin, as head of state of a great country, has made the most visits to China, and is the most familiar to the Chinese people, and enjoys the highest esteem. He is also my best confidant," says Xi.

The Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China is being described as the highest honor given to foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, to promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and the world, as well as to safeguarding world peace.

Putin says the award is not only one of the highest honors he's ever received, but also reflects of the high level ties between Russia and China.

"I stress that our country sincerely values the good-neighborliness and friendship with China. We are proud of the overall achievements in the politics, economy, science and culture, and appreciate the high-level cooperation achieved in the international community. And, of course, we firmly believe in the success of all our undertakings. I would like to thank you once again for such an honorable award. I look forward to further deepening Russia-China strategic cooperation for the sake of prosperity of the two countries and well-being of the two peoples," says Putin.

Vladimir Putin is now on a state visit to China.

His trip has been scheduled around the Qingdao summit for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization this weekend.
