绿野仙踪 第103期:飞猴(4)(在线收听

 The King bowed low before Dorothy, and asked, "What is your command?" 那猴王在多萝茜面前恭敬地鞠躬,并且问道:“你有什么吩咐?”

"We wish to go to the Emerald City," said the child, "and we have lost our way." “我们想去翡翠城,”女孩子说,“但我们迷了路。”
"We will carry you," replied the King, and no sooner had he spoken than two of the Monkeys caught Dorothy in their arms and flew away with her.  “我们可以驮你们去,”猴王回答,立刻,两只猴子就扶起多萝茜,让她坐在它们的手臂上,就飞走了。
Others took the Scarecrow and the Woodman and the Lion,  其它的猴子们带着稻草人,铁皮人和狮子,
and one little Monkey seized Toto and flew after them, although the dog tried hard to bite him. 一只小猴子抓住了托托,飞在他们的前面,这只小狗还奋力地挣扎呢。
The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were rather frightened at first, for they remembered how badly the Winged Monkeys had treated them before;  稻草人和铁皮人开始感到一阵恐惧,因为他们永远不会忘记,前一次飞猴们的举动,怎样凶暴地想杀死他们;
but they saw that no harm was intended, so they rode through the air quite cheerfully,  然而后来意识到它们根本不会伤害他们,所以很安心地坐着上天空去,
and had a fine time looking at the pretty gardens and woods far below them. 在高空中眺望他们下面的美丽的田园和树林,那真是非常愉快的事情。
Dorothy found herself riding easily between two of the biggest Monkeys, one of them the King himself.  多萝茜坐在两只最大的猴子中间,感觉很舒服,一只就是猴王了。
They had made a chair of their hands and were careful not to hurt her. 它们用手做成一只椅子,大家都小心地不敢伤害她。
"Why do you have to obey the charm of the Golden Cap?" she asked. 她问道:“为什么你们必须听从这顶金冠的魔力?”
"That is a long story," answered the King, with a Winged laugh;  “这个说来话长,”猴王大笑着回答说;
"but as we have a long journey before us, I will pass the time by telling you about it, if you wish." “假如你愿意听,瞧,前面还有一段路程呢,我就把这个故事告诉你,来消磨这段时间。”
"I shall be glad to hear it," she replied. “我很乐意听,”她回答说。