留美老师带你每日说英文 第1066期:和奶酪最搭的红酒(在线收听

   Just like food pairing as a whole, or just like other food pairings, there's really no one wine that goes with everything. So, you really need to look at each cheese individually to see the best wine to put next to that particular cheese.

  1.pairing 配对
  pairing (n.) 配对
  pair (n.) 一对;一双
  pair with (phr.) 与...配对
  2.as a whole 总体上;整体来看
  as a whole (phr.) 总体上;整体来看
  3.go with sth 与…相配;与…协调;与…和谐
  go with sth (phr.) 与…相配;与…协调;与…和谐
  4.individually 分别地;各个地
  individually (adv.) 分别地;各个地
  5.next to 在...旁边
  next to (phr.) 在...旁边
  6.particular 特定的;具体的
  particular (adj.) 特定的;具体的