英语听力精选进阶版 6280(在线收听

People in the UK are in shock after days of brazen thefts and wanton damage during riots in London and other cities in England. Across the media, there have been images of people walking into shops and helping themselves to flat-screen TVs, clothes and other items.

But what is it that turns people into looters? Criminologists and psychologists have been considering what happens.

Some politicians have been quick to describe the rioting as simply thuggery. But experts point out that only some of those involved will have committed such crimes before; and others are swept along with the crowd.

Psychologists say that people lose their moral identity in a large group and empathy and guilt - the human qualities which prevent us from behaving like criminals – are lost as we take on the values of the group.

For the looters there's a sense of safety in numbers. Because hundreds of people are taking part in the criminal activities, individuals feel they are likely to get away with it.

According to Dr Lance Workman, rioters and looters may develop a temporary moral code in their minds which justifies their actions: "There are rich people who have things I don't have so it's right that I take it." However, there is also evidence which suggests gang leaders have psychopathic tendencies, he says.

Academics also think that socio-economic factors must be taken into account. Most of the rioters are from poor estates and feel they have nothing to lose.

Quiz 小测验

1. Did the looters try to hide their actions? 

No. Their actions were brazen.

2. Do some politicians think the rioting was caused by people because they are violent people? 

Yes. They describe the actions as simply thuggery.

3. Do some psychologists think people behave differently in large groups than they do on their own? 

Yes. They say people lose their moral identity and take on the values of the group.

4. What word is used to describe someone who doesn't feel bad about their destructive actions? 


5. Are the rioters rich? 

No. Most of the rioters are from poor estates.

Glossary 词汇表

brazen thefts 厚颜无耻的偷窃 

wanton damage 任意破坏 

riots 社会骚乱 

helping themselves 自己动手拿 

looters 抢掠者 

criminologists 犯罪学家 

psychologists 心理学家 

thuggery 抢劫 

swept along with 顺波逐流、被拥着前行 

empathy 同感,共鸣 

guilt 歉意 

values 价值观 

safety in numbers 人多势众 

to get away with it 做了坏事但不会受到惩罚 

moral code 道德准则 

psychopathic tendencies 有犯罪谋杀倾向 

socio-economic 社会经济学 

nothing to lose 没什么可以失去的,什么都不怕
