英语听力精选进阶版 6283(在线收听

The web-savvy amongst you will know that just as a mouse is no longer only a rodent, a tweet isn't necessarily a noise made by a bird.

Nearly a quarter of the new words added to the latest edition of the Chambers Dictionary come from internet culture, with the economic recession and climate change also contributing strongly.

The internet age's ability to reinvent old words with new meanings continues. The cloud, you may think, is the thing above your head which produces rain. It's not as simple as that any more.

We all know what pay is, right? And a wall is a wall – as in The Great Wall of... But what about a paywall? Can you work it out?

Moving onto the economy, words such as quantitative easing and double-dip recession have become familiar to followers of current affairs.

Amongst the environmental terms now appearing in the dictionary you can find upcycle and precycle as well as carbon offsetting.

National treasure, neet, man flu, crowdsourcing and staycation are also officially recognised for the first time.

And there are some abbreviations made popular by email and social networking sites. When you're surprised you can write OMG (Oh my God) and if you really like someone, BFF (best friend forever) is the expression for you.

Quiz 小测验

1. Is a tweet a noise made by a bird as well as something else? 

Yes. A tweet isn't necessarily a noise made by a bird.

2. Are websites with a paywall free? 


3. Is quantitative easing supposed to stimulate or slow the economy? 


4. Is carbon offsetting supposed to be good or bad for the environment? 


5. Is the abbreviation OMG an expression of surprise? 

Yes. When you're surprised you can write OMG.

Glossary 词汇表

web-savvy 擅长网络的人,网络行家 

tweet 推特 

The cloud 计算云,电脑云 

paywall 付费墙 

quantitative easing 量化宽松 

double-dip 双底衰退 

upcycle 升级再造 

precycle 预回收 

carbon offsetting 炭抵消 

national treasure 国宝人物 

Neet ‘三无人员’(无教育,无职业,无培训人员) 

man flu 男士小感冒 

crowdsourcing 众包(企业利用互联网将工作分配出去的商业模式) 

staycation 不出远门在家度假 

OMG (Oh My God!) 我的天哪! 

BFF (best friend forever) 永恒挚友
