英语听力精选进阶版 6287(在线收听

A discovery in the last week has turned physics on its head.

A team of scientists have said that they recorded subatomic particles called neutrinos travelling faster than light. No-one thought that was possible.

It is a finding that could overturn one of Einstein's long-accepted fundamental laws of the Universe.

The finding was made by researchers at Cern in Switzerland and Gran Sasso in Italy.

The speed of light is a cornerstone in Einstein's theory of special relativity, which is what gives us the concept of causality: causes precede effects.

Among the implications of this challenge to mainstream theory is the fact that it could mean time travel is possible, a hypothesis that has long convinced writers of science fiction.

But the experiment has its sceptics. A physicist from the University of Surrey, Jim Al-Khalili, believes that the current consensus is correct and that the light-speed barrier is impossible to surpass.

He has tried to pick holes in the methodology of the Cern researchers. So sure is Al-Khalili that they have made an error in their measurements that he has decided to defend the laws of physics by challenging the laws of social convention.

Al-Khalili said: "If the Cern experiment proves to be correct... I will eat my boxer shorts on live TV."

Quiz 小测验

1. What theory could be affected by the new discovery? 

Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity.

2. Does the new experiment prove the theory most physicists believe? 

No, it challenges mainstream theory.

3. What sci-fi activity could be possible if the new findings are correct? 

Time travel.

4. Why does Jim Al-Khalili think the experiment is wrong? 

He thinks that the researchers made a mistake with their methodology, the way they did the experiment.

5. Is the following statement true, false or not given? "Al-Khalili will challenge social conventions by eating his underwear on live TV." 

Not given. Al-Khalili will only do this if the new Cern experiment proves to be true.

Glossary 词汇表

to turn something on its head 完全改变 

subatomic particle 次原子粒子 

to overturn 推翻 

long accepted 长期被认可的 

cornerstone 基石 

theory of special relativity 狭义相对论 

the concept of causality 因果关系的概念 

implications 影响,含义,推断 

mainstream theory 主流理论 

time travel 时空穿梭 

hypothesis 假设 

science fiction 科幻小说 

experiment 实验 

sceptic 怀疑论者 

current consensus 当前的共识 

the light-speed barrier 光速障碍 

overcome 克服 

to pick holes in something 寻找漏洞 

methodology 方法论,方法学 

social convention 社会惯例,常规
