英语听力精选进阶版 6303(在线收听

For decades we've been sending signals into space and listening out for out of this world broadcasts. But what's the plan if signs of intelligent alien life are detected?

Those likely to be at the receiving end of a cosmic signal are the scientists at the Seti Institute in California. And its principal astronomer, Seth Shostak, says that if we do get an unusual deep space message confirmed by other telescopes around the world "the protocol would be simply to announce it".

The possibility of extraterrestrial life has always fascinated mankind. Last year, two petitions with more than 17,000 signatures were sent to the US government enquiring if ET had ever been in touch. The White House replied that there was "no evidence that any life exists outside our planet".

But many in different parts of the world are not convinced. They insist that we are not alone in the Universe and go as far as believing that alien abduction is not the stuff of science fiction. According to a report released by the British government in 1995, two boys told the police that a figure with a lemon-shaped head showed up in a spaceship in Staffordshire and told them to follow it. They said they ran away.

The police recorded that the boys appeared "distressed" after gazing at the alleged UFO (unidentified flying object). Some attributed their account to a vivid imagination rather than a prank or a real experience.

Meanwhile scientists continue to be on the look out for Earth-like planets in other solar systems that could support life. We might just find little green men or even end up playing aliens ourselves by colonising other worlds.

Quiz 小测验

1. Who are likely to be the first ones to have any extraterrestrial contact?

The scientists at the Seti Institute in California.

2. According to the text, what did the US government say when asked about alien life?

That there is no proof of its existence.

3. Who is supposed to have tried to take two boys away from Staffordshire against their will?

A lemon-shaped head alien is supposed to have tried to abduct them.

4. Look at the article. Look at the article. Can you see three phrasal verbs in the text that include a word linked to senses?

To listen out for something (hearing), to be in touch (touching) and to be on the look out for something (seeing).

5.Is this statement true, false or not given? Two boys in Staffordshire were happy and excited to have seen something out of this world. 

False. According to police reports, they appeared "distressed" after looking at the alleged alien encounter.

Glossary 词汇表

out of this world 不属于这个世界的,也有不同凡响的意思

intelligent alien life 外星智慧生命

at the receiving end 接受信号点

a cosmic signal 外星信号

an astronomer 天文学家

deep space 外太空 (太阳系以外的空间)

a telescope 望远镜

a protocol 规则,协议

extraterrestrial life 外星生命

mankind 人类

ET 外星人

to be in touch 联系

evidence 证据

the Universe 宇宙

alien abduction 被外星人绑架

science fiction 科幻片

a spaceship 太空船

UFO (unidentified flying object) 不明飞行物

a vivid imagination 生动的想象

a prank 一个恶作剧,玩笑

to be on the look out for (something) 在寻找…

an Earth-like planet 像地球一样的行星 

solar system 太阳系

to colonise (somewhere) 殖民(某地)
