英语听力精选进阶版 6315(在线收听

This week, wealthy wine connoisseurs will have the chance to get the vintage of their dreams... providing they don't lose their bottle at the last moment.

The auctioneer Sotheby's will be selling three collections of the finest wines in London. The wines come from exclusive vineyards in well-known areas such as Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne.

Because of their quality and rarity, each collection is expected to fetch a high price. But the price isn't just determined by the quality of the grape; the age of the wine can also make it a high-end product.

The most expensive bottle of white wine not bought at an auction was sold last July for £75,000 (752,000 yuan). This premium wine had reached the ripe old age of 200 - proof that the best things come to those who wait.

But the most expensive standard-sized bottle of wine ever - a Chateau Lafite 1869 - went for £151,000 (1.5 million yuan). That was truly a wine to be sipped, not quaffed!

For some members of the super-rich, the real joy of opening a top wine like that doesn't come from the bouquet, the complex flavours or that lingering finish - but from seeing the impressed look on your rivals' faces.

But other owners wouldn't dream of uncorking their liquid assets - they are kept, treasured in wine cellars and occasionally shown off like works of art, but when their value increases they sell them on.

But then, most of us simply can't afford to splash out on fine wines. It's irritating... but what's the best remedy for dealing with those sour grapes? A cheap bottle of plonk from the supermarket, of course!

Quiz 测验

Is this statement true, false or not given? The wine being sold at Sotheby's comes from London.

False: The wines come from exclusive vineyards in well-known areas such as Bordeaux, Burgundy and Champagne.

What do we call people who are experts on wine?

Wine connoisseurs.

What English slang word relates to cheap wine you can buy at the supermarket?


Which expression in the article refers to someone losing their nerve when they are bidding for something in an auction?

The expression 'to lose your bottle' means to lose your nerve or to lose courage when a stressful situation occurs.

Find two verbs that describe drinking wine.

To sip, which means to drink small amounts, and to quaff, which means to drink larger amounts quickly.

Glossary 词汇表

a connoisseur (酒)鉴赏家

vintage 佳酿

to lose one's bottle 精神紧张

vineyard 葡萄园

bordeaux 产自法国波尔多地区的葡萄酒

burgundy 勃艮第(法国东南部地方的地名,该地盛产红葡萄酒)

premium 高价

ripe old age 年久的(陈酿)

the best things come to those who wait 有耐心就能等到好东西

chateau 法国城堡

to sip 小口地喝

to quaff 大口大口地喝

bouquet 酒香

a lingering finish 回味

uncorking 开酒瓶

liquid assets 流动资产

wine cellars 酒窖

to splash out on 大笔花钱

sour grapes 吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸

plonk (俚语)便宜酒
