英语听力精选进阶版 6336(在线收听

Many Britons say we have a lot to thank HM Queen Elizabeth for.

This week certainly most of her subjects are thankful for a two-day holiday in celebration of her Diamond Jubilee. A weekend of feasting, pageantry and water on Sunday is followed by an evening of song, celebration and fire on Monday.

Sunday Lunch is a great British tradition and The Big Jubilee Lunch aimed to re-kindle a sense of community with people all over the UK sharing lunch with neighbours and friends in street parties or picnics to celebrate the Queen's 60-year reign. At these lunches, people have been tucking into some Great British food - pies, roasts, fish and chips, cream teas... even jellied eels.

Another highlight of the weekend festivities was The Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant with more than 1,000 boats – traditional and modern – escorting the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh aboard a specially decorated Royal barge. Red, white and blue – the colours of the Union Jack – adorned bridges and buildings with sounds of church bells and foghorns floating along the River.

Monday evening brings music and light to Buckingham Palace. A special pop concert featuring artists including Elton John, Paul McCartney and Ed Sheeran is followed by a spectacular firework display. No doubt it will all go off with a bang. Before the fireworks, more than 4,000 beacons are to be lit in the UK and around the world. The Queen herself lights the UK's last beacon – the National Beacon – at about 22:30 BST. Whilst there are some who protest – surveys suggest around 20% of Britons feel the UK would be better off without a monarchy – most people will see HM Queen Elizabeth as a beacon of hope in an uncertain world and will be raising a glass to the Diamond Queen.

Quiz 测验

What are most Britons thankful for this week?

A two-day holiday

What noisy phrase is used to describe an event that went well?

To go off with a bang

What phrase means to start eating with enjoyment?

To tuck into something

True, false or not given: The Queen will light the first beacon at about 22:30BST?

False - she will light the last beacon

Which of these is a way of toasting someone?

To raise a glass to someone

Glossary 词汇表

to be thankful for 感激,感谢

feasting 盛宴

pageantry 壮观,盛会

to re-kindle 重新点燃

a street party 街头派对

a picnic 露天野餐

to tuck into 开怀大吃

a cream tea 英式奶茶和松饼

jellied eels 鳗鱼冻

festivities 庆祝活动

to escort 护送

the Royal barge 皇家游艇

adorned 装饰

spectacular 壮观的

to go off with a bang 极为成功,大受欢迎

a beacon 灯塔,烽火

a beacon of hope 希望的灯塔

to raise a glass 祝贺,庆祝
