英语听力精选进阶版 6488(在线收听

Helen: Hello, Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Helen.

Chen Li: And I’m 陈鹂. Hello!

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Chen Li: 英语是一种十分程式化的语言,所以了解现实生活中人们经常使用的固定表达和俚语自然就很有用了。

Helen: So today’s word is jab J.A.B. – jab.

Chen Li: 它的意思是不是撞,敲打?好像拳击运动中的打斗。

Helen: Yes it does mean that, but it is also an informal word for an injection.

Chen Li: jab 是注射剂的非正式用法.

Helen: So you might go to the doctors to get a jab.

Chen Li: 我想如果你去海外旅游,you might need to get some jabs.

Helen: That's right and here’s another example.


A: Are you OK? You don’t look too well.

B: Oh I’m just a bit nervous. I have to go to the doctors for a jab. I hate getting jabs..

Helen: Aw, I hate getting jabs too. I’m really scared of needles.

Chen Li: 你真的那么害怕针头?

Helen: Yes I am but you’ve got to agree, it’s not very nice having jabs.

Chen Li: Well, no, it’s not very nice but I don’t mind having jabs at the doctors.

Helen: You’re so brave Li!

Chen Li: 你是在讽刺我吗?

Helen: No, no, no, not at all. Anyway let’s just re-cap. Today’s word is – jab.

Chen Li: jab的意思是预防针,注射剂. And that’s about all for today.

Helen: Yes, you’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English – join us again soon. Bye for now.
