英语听力精选进阶版 6526(在线收听

Jo: I'm Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English.

Oliver: 大家好,我是Oliver,地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和实用表达。这些词儿和短语都是现在英国人当中非常流行的。So what's today's word Jo?

Jo: Well today's word is posh. P.O.S.H. posh.

Oliver: 嗯,Jo,我觉得我知道这个词儿,posh,它好像是前辣妹合唱团中的成员,著名球星贝克汉姆的妻子的昵称吧.

Jo: Oh very good Oliver. Yes David Beckham's wife Victoria also has the nickname Posh.

Oliver: 这个词儿是用来说优雅的人的吗?比如有些上流社会的人,十分富有、衣着华丽、彬彬有礼、周旋在各种时尚社交场合什么的。

Jo: That's right Oliver. So people who are rich, with nice clothes, who speak nicely and have good manners and might be called posh. We might also call someone posh as a joke.

Oliver: 你是指,说什么人 posh也可能是开玩笑的。比如说,你的一个朋友,开始喝很贵的葡萄酒,那你就可以拿他开玩笑说:

Jo: You're getting a bit posh aren't you?

Oliver: 在这个时候,posh就不是真的优雅的意思了,而是假高贵的意思了。一般来说,人们更喜欢用在评论什么人的时候,而很少当面说别人,除非像刚才我们听到的那样是开玩笑。


A: We're moving house – we've found a nice place next to the park.

B: Ooh that's a bit posh isn't it?

Jo: In fact Oliver, you are looking a bit posh today – are you going somewhere special?

Oliver: 是吗?哦,那可是真要谢谢你! Actually I am going out to a nice restaurant – in fact you could probably say a posh restaurant - with my friends tonight!

Jo: Well you look very smart. I don't often see you looking so posh!

Oliver: 那你就是说我平时看起来不怎么样啦!好了,不开玩笑了,还是看看我们今天学到的词儿吧 posh – 优雅的。

Jo: And that's about all for today. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Don't forget to log onto our website www.bbcchina.com.cn

Oliver: 再见。

Jo: See you.
