
In the wake of the failed coup in July 2016, Turkey imposed a state of emergency giving the government sweeping powers. Protests erupted across the country as almost 130,000 public workers were dismissed from their jobs, including doctors, police officers, teachers and civil servants.


The state of emergency ended this summer, but Amnesty says, two years later many of those dismissed are facing destitution.Once they are dismissed, they’re almost blacklisted; they don’t find…they find it really difficult to find work elsewhere...they...In the public sector, it’s...it’s impossible.But in even in the private sector they find it very difficult to be recruited for a position.So these people have been destitute.


The government accused the dismissed workers of being members of proscribed groups allegedly behind the coup plot led by the exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen.He denies any involvement. Under international pressure, Turkey set up an appeals Commission. It has received one hundred and twenty five thousand applications, but has processed less than a third,of which fewer than one in one has been successful. As evidence, they included references to money deposited to a now closed bank, for example, or subscription to a newspaper, to a particular newspaper or membership of a particular trade union.All activities that are innocuous and at the time they were undertaken, were not illegal.

政府指控这些被解雇的工作人员是被禁组织的成员,据称,他们是流亡神职人员Fethullah Gulen领导的谋划政变的幕后推手。Fethullah Gulen否认与此有任何牵连。在国际压力下,土耳其成立了一个上诉委员会。已经收到125000份上诉,但只处理了不到三分之一,其中只有不到十分之一的人成功申诉。他们提到的证据有:在现在已经倒闭的银行里所存的钱,订阅了一份报纸,一份特殊的报纸,或是某一特别工会的会员。所有的活动都没有造成危害,目前都在正常进行,都是合法的。

The state of emergency also saw dozens of journalists and human rights defenders arrested. The killing of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Keshavjee in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul has focused global attention on the targeting of journalists.Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strongly condemned the killing and has demanded justice.But activists accused Ankara of double standards.

紧急状态还导致数十名记者和人权捍卫者被捕。《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家Jamal Keshavjee在沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆被杀,全球关注的焦点集中在针对记者上。土耳其总统Recep Tayyip Erdogan强烈谴责了这起谋杀,并要求伸张正义。但活动人士指责土耳其政府采取双重标准。

We want the Turkish government which has unfortunately an abysmal record with the treatment of journalists on its own,as Saudi Arabia, to step forward, to use this as an opportunity to move forward into the future out of the past, and to do something to help bring transparency, and put an end to this kind of brutal treatment of journalists.


Amnesties Blum welcomes Turkey’s tough response to Keshavjee killing. We would like to see the same rigor in demanding justice, for those, you know, people, for everyone in Turkey actually.


Many of those arrested during the state of emergency are still on trial, including dozens of journalists and several Amnesty International activists.

