英语听力精选进阶版 6538(在线收听

Neil: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Neil.

Helen: 大家好, 我是 Helen.

Neil: In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time, but you probably won't find in your dictionary.

Helen: 希望在今天的地道英语节目中, 您能学到在书本里找不到的英语常用表达。

Neil: Today's expression is dab hand.

Helen: Dab hand. What does that mean?

Neil: If someone's a dab hand at something, it means they're very good at it. They're skilful at something.

Helen: Oh I see. 如果有谁对什么事特别在行 a dab hand, 意思就是他是这方面的能手。

Neil: Like you Helen with chopsticks. You're a dab hand at chopsticks. You're really skilful.

Helen: Hmm, and you could do with some practise.

Neil: Well, Helen, I'm not Chinese.

Helen: Neil 说我是用筷子的能手 a dab hand at using chopsticks。


A: Argh computers! I hate them. Could you give me hand?

B: Yeah, no problem, you just need to look here.

A: Ah, your such a dab hand with computers. I wish I could understand them.

Helen: Is it a common expression, Neil? 这是不是个常用表达呢?

Neil: Yes it is, but be careful because it's very British. You won't hear it much in American English.

Helen: So what are you a dab hand at, Neil?

Neil: Well, we don't usually use dab hand to talk about ourselves, but it's a nice compliment to pay someone else.

Helen: 我们一般不用这个词来形容自己,不过如果用来形容其他人, 这就有赞美的意思。 Well, you're a dab hand at English.

Neil: Thanks, Helen, but it is my first language!

Helen: Oh yeah.

Neil: Well, that's all for today from Real English.

Helen: 你可以到我们的网站下载英语学习材料,我们的网址是www.bbcchina.com.cn. 下次节目再见。

Neil: Bye.
