英语听力精选进阶版 6545(在线收听

Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Helen.

Zo?: 欢迎收听今天的地道英语,我是刘佳。

Helen: Today we're going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Zo?: 地道英语带大家一起学习现代英式英语中出现的新词还有新用法,Helen,快来告诉我们今天的新词是什么吧!

Helen: OK. Today's new word is 'peak' – P.E.A.K. – peak.

Zo?: Peak. 这个词的意思是?

Helen: Well, peak is not a new word in English and it has several meanings.

Zo?: 嗯,那快来给我们仔细讲讲吧

Helen: No problem, a peak means the top of a mountain.

Zo?: 这个PEAK本来的意思是指山的顶峰,但是它还有其它的意思。So Helen, what's the new meaning of peak?

Helen: The highest point, when something is at its best, most successful or strongest.

Zo?: 明白了。 Peak 指的是最高点,也就是达到了最好,最成功,或者最强的一种状态。

Helen: Well, you could say, "Sales reached a peak of 20,000 in May last year."

Zo?: 这句话的意思是说 去年5月的销售量最高到达了20000。


A: I wanted to go to Spain in August but it's so expensive.

B: Well, it is the peak season, so it's the most expensive time. Why not go later in the year?

C: Excuse me, can I use your telephone?

D: Well, would you mind waiting till later? It's peak rate now and calls are expensive. Use it after 6 – it's much cheaper then.

Zo?: 你喜欢旅游吗?Helen.

Helen: Yes, but I try not to travel at busy times.

Zo?: Why?

Helen: It's peak season and you have to pay more.

Zo?: 我知道你的意思了,你是说在旅游的高峰季节,车票会比平时贵很多。

Helen: And I won't call you in the morning from my mobile phone.

Zo?: 那是为什么呢?

Helen: It's the peak time and it's much more expensive.

Zo?: 没错,手机的话费在早上的高峰时间也比平时贵,所以你就不会在这个时间给我打电话。

Helen: No I won't. Anyway, let's recap. Peak means the point when something is highest, most successful or strongest.

Zo?: Peak 就是顶点,通常用来表达最高,最成功或者最强的一种状态。Well, it looks like we are out of time.

Helen: Yes, we have to go. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon.

Zo?: See you next time.

Helen: Bye.
