英语听力精选进阶版 6583(在线收听

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Helen: Hi 大家好。我是 Helen, 欢迎收听 BBC 的地道英语节目,希望在接下来的2分钟里,你能学到在字典中查不到的一些表达方式。

Jo: I'm Jo – and today we are going to look at a word that has been used very recently in the UK in British English – it's chav. C.H.A.V. Chav.

Helen: 你刚才提到在英国这两年 chav 这个词挺流行的? 那你能解释一下吗?

Jo: Well a chav is a young person – it can be a man or a woman and it's someone who firstly likes designer clothes usually similar to the kind of clothes an American hip hop rapper might wear.

Helen: OK, 这么说 chavs 指的是一类年轻人,他们穿的很像那些美国说唱歌手的样子很相似, 像运动服,棒球帽。

Jo: And of course the jewellery.

Helen: 对了,说唱歌手都戴着不少夸张的首饰。

Jo: However, someone described as a chav would not be very intelligent and would be quite narrow-minded and ignorant.

Helen: Chav 这个词看来是用来形容那些比较无知 ignorant 还有就是思想比较狭隘的人narrow minded。

Jo: And they would be working-class.

Helen: 而且还是属于蓝领阶层. 当然不是所有蓝领阶层的人都是 chavs. Chavs 就像是一个stereotype 一个很笼统的模式。他们没有很多钱,水准也不高,但是却有一定的衣着要求。It doesn't seem like it's a very good thing to be a chav, Jo?

Jo: It's not really Helen. Society kind of makes fun of chavs.

Helen: Chavs 是受社会嘲笑的一类人。 在英国社会中有很多词汇形容不同的社会群体, chav 是现在比较常用的来形容那些没水平,没文化,没头脑,只会模仿说唱歌手衣着的年轻人。


A: What's that noise?

B: It's our neighbour in her pink tracksuit and designer baseball caps shouting across the street.

A: She's a right chav, isn't she?

Helen: Chav 虽然是一个比较难理解的词,但是它反映了英国社会中的一个现实情况。如果你对英国的文化现状有所了解的话,你会意识到人们经常用到这个词。

Jo: And that's about all from BBC Learning English for today when we've been learning the word chav. We'll see you next time.

Helen: 我们下次节目再见。
