英语听力精选进阶版 6614(在线收听

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English, I'm Jo.

Helen: And I'm Helen. 地道英语中介绍的一些英语表达,你可能在英语课堂上学不到,但是它们在生活中却会经常出现。今天的新表达是什么呢 Jo?

Jo: Well today's word is shambles S.H.A.M.B.L.E.S. shambles.

Helen: 那这个词的意思请你解释一下吧 Jo!

Jo: Well if something is a shambles it means things are slightly confused usually because something hasn't been organised properly.

Helen: 这么说如果某件事被形容为 a shambles 就是说因为管理方面的原因而造成了这件事变得很混乱,没有头绪。

Jo: So let's give an example. Let's say I play in a band and we were practising or rehearsing.

Helen: 比如说你在一个乐队里,正准备为演出彩排。

Jo: You might come back and say the rehearsal was a shambles. Two people were late, someone else forgot their guitar…

Helen: 这么一来,有人迟到,有人忘了带乐器,结果彩排变得一团糟,没法正常进行。

Jo: That's right. It was a shambles!


A: So how did the meeting go?

B: It was a total shambles. We couldn't hear the speaker, we couldn't see the presentation on the wall and then they didn't even really talk about any important points we'd been discussing.

A: Sounds like a right shambles!

Jo: So Helen, are we going for that Chinese meal you promised me?

Helen: Well Jo, I kind of forgot to reserve so we'll have to do Italian.

Jo: But I was really looking forward to Chinese.

Helen: Sorry, and erm, we can't go today as I remembered I'm busy so I'll have to take you tomorrow.

Jo: Aw Helen, what a shambles.

Helen: Yes, a bit of a shambles I'm afraid. I'm sorry 非常抱歉我的组织能力太差了。

Jo: Anyway, that's all from BBC Learning English for today. Join us again for another Real English. Bye for now.

Helen: Bye!
