英语听力精选进阶版 6637(在线收听

Li: Hello, welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Yang Li, 大家好。

Tracy: And I’m Tracy.

Li: Tracy, I’ve been meaning to ask you if you have moved house yet?

Tracy: No unfortunately not. Someone else beat us to the last place that we liked.

Li: 别人抢先在你之前租下了这套公寓,确实这不是个好消息。那你现在肯定很失望吧?

Tracy: No, it’s ok. I mean it’s not the end of the world.

Li: 那倒也是,并没有那么遭。

Tracy: I’ll just have to start looking for somewhere else.

Li: Yeah, it’s not so bad. 可能你下一个找到的公寓会比这个还好。

Tracy: I’m sure I will find somewhere nicer. Now Li, did you hear the phrase I used instead of 'it’s not so bad'?

Li: 你刚才说 "it’s not the end of the world".

Tracy: I sure did and that’s a really common phrase that people use to describe something that has happened which is not so bad.

Li: The end of the world would be pretty bad.

Tracy: Yes the end of the world would be terrible,

Li: 可怕的,

Tracy: catastrophic,

Li: 毁灭性的,

Tracy: and disastrous.

Li: 灾难性的。Ok, 看来在我们使用这个短语 it’s not the end of the world 的时候,我们想表达的意思是某件事没有那么的糟糕。

Tracy: You’ve got it Li.

Li: 让我们听听下面这几个人是如何使用这一表达 it’s not the end of the world.


A: You look upset what’s wrong?

B: I am upset, I got passed over for that promotion.

A: Oh don’t let that upset you, there will be loads of other opportunities. It’s really not the end of the world.

A: Hey, what’s the matter?

B: Well, my boyfriend just broke up with me. It feels like the end of the world.

A: Oh dry your tears and try to cheer up. There are plenty of other nice guys out there.

Li: 刚才说话的这个女孩子其实是够不幸的,她说当她的男朋友和她分手的时候,it felt like the end of the world.

Tracy: Yes, but I think she’ll be fine. It’s not really the end of the world.

Li: 不过今天的节目可是接近尾声了。

Tracy: Yes, that’s it for today but make sure you visit our website for more Authentic Real English programmes.

Li: Bye.

Tracy: Bye.
