英语听力精选进阶版 6650(在线收听

Yang Li: 大家好,我是 Yang Li … (tapping noise) Hello, 我是 Yang Li … Hello? (tap, tap)

Diarmuid: Problems, Yang Li?

Yang Li: Yes, this microphone isn’t working very well.

Diarmuid: Yeah I know that one’s a bit dodgy. Try number three.

Yang Li: Yes, it’s been dodgy for ages. We should get it fixed.

Diarmuid: Yes. Hey, while we’re talking about it, why don’t we explain the word dodgy, D-O-D-G-Y, as our Authentic Real English word of the day.

Yang Li: 大家肯定都已经猜到我在播音室里碰到了麦克风问题, 我用了一个词 dodgy.

Diarmuid: When you say something’s dodgy, it means there’s a problem with it, or it’s not very trustworthy.

Yang Li: 是的,机器出了故障,可以说是 dodgy, 不过这个词也有很多其他用法。

Diarmuid: Such as people you don’t really trust. He’s a bit dodgy.

Yang Li: 如果你觉得某人行为举止有问题,不能让你信任,那么这个人可以被形容为 dodgy.


A: So are you going to drive there or take the bus?

B: I think I’ll take the bus, my car’s a bit dodgy.

C: I think he’s really nice.

D: What? No, he looks dodgy to me. I just can’t trust what he says.

E: I think this new deal to get a free laptop with you mobile phone is great!

F: Yeah? I’m not sure. I think it looks like a dodgy deal.

Yang Li: So that’s our word for today, dodgy.

Diarmuid: Yes, and remember you can… (tap, tap) Eh, there seems to be a problem with this microphone.

Yang Li: What, yours as well?

Diarmuid: Great, think it’s working now. Where were we?

Yang Li: Time to go.

Diarmuid: Oh, ok, bye!

Yang Li: Bye.
