英语听力精选进阶版 6655(在线收听

Yang Li: Hello Diarmuid!

Diarmuid: Ah… Hi Yang Li. (Yawn)

Yang Li: Bit tired?

Diarmuid: Eh? Oh, yeah. Didn’t sleep well. Er, what programme are we doing today?

Yang Li: Authentic Real English.

Diarmuid: Great, the programme where we answer questions about British culture?

Yang Li: No… It’s the programme where we introduce the latest English words and phrases. Diarmuid, you’re not really with it today.

Diarmuid: Eh?

Yang Li: You’re not with it, are you?

Diarmuid: Sorry. Good phrase though, with it.

Yang Li: Yes. 今天我们要介绍一个新词语 with 和 it 连在一起 with it. 如果你 with it 就说明你是全神贯注,换句话说,你的思路跟着对方,没有走神儿。反之就就是心不在焉,状态不佳,比如今天我的搭档 Diarmuid 就是一例。

Diarmuid: Eh?

Yang Li: Diarmuid – you really need to get some sleep!


A: Sorry, I’m a little tired. I’ve just flown from London to Beijing.

B: No wonder you’re not with it today.

A: I’m not really with it at the moment, I think it’s these cold drugs I’m taking.

B: No problem, just go and get some rest.

Yang Li: So, I hope everyone’s enjoyed learning the phrase with it. And of course our website has many more interesting words and expressions for you to learn. Diarmuid, shall we remind everyone about our web address?

Diarmuid: (Snores)

Yang Li: Oh well, think he’s tired, too tired. Better leave him to sleep.

Diarmuid: (Snores)

Yang Li: Bye bye on behalf of Diarmuid.
