英语听力精选进阶版 6683(在线收听

Feifei: 大家好,欢迎收听…




演播间的是 William, 他在不停的制造噪音。What are you doing William?

William: I'm eating a carrot. Sorry... I've almost finished! Mmm. Great! Good carrot! Now, what's today's word, Feifei?

Feifei: Well before we start talking about today's word can we discuss your anti-social carrot eating please?

William: OK. It's ever since I've become a veggie, Feifei. I find I need to eat more often.

Feifei: Eh? Ever since you became what?

William: Ever since I became a veggie. V.E.G.G.I.E. A vegetarian.

Feifei: Oh. A vegetarian 素食者。 A veggie. 你说说这些英国人,每个都有点儿怪僻得饮食习惯。

William: What's that, Feifei?

Feifei: Oh nothing!

William: OK, example time! Listen carefully to these two examples.

Man: Listen, do you and Russell want to come over for dinner on Sunday?

Woman: Oh, that sounds nice! But you know I'm a veggie, don't you?

Man: Oh right, I didn't know that! Do you eat fish?

Woman: No, I don't. Sorry to be a pain! 

Man: No, no, it's not a problem. I'll do my special aubergine bake.

Man: What would you like to eat? The lasagne is very good.

Woman: Is it veggie lasagne?

Man: No... But I expect they'll have some veggie options. Let's ask the waiter.

Feifei: 在第一个对话中,这位女士说 I'm a veggie. 单词 veggie 在这里被当做名词使用。在第二个对话中,她问到 is it veggie lasagne? 这里单词 veggie 被当做形容词使用。Is that right, William?

William: Yes, that's right. But both words are very informal, spoken English, which is important I think.

Feifei: Actually, I have a question. 在第一个例子中,那位女士说 I'm a veggie, 可是她的朋友问她吃不吃鱼?素食主义者不是肉鱼都不吃的吗?

William: Yes you're right. Strictly speaking, vegetarians – or veggies – don't eat meat or fish. But sometimes in the UK people describe themselves as vegetarian even though they still eat seafood and fish, so it's a good idea to check! But there is actually another phrase that I've heard that we can use to describe someone who eats fish but not meat...

Feifei: 只吃鱼而不吃肉的人,这又怎么表达呢?

William: A demi-veg.

Feifei: A demi-veg 字面直译就是半个素食主义者。I haven't heard that phrase before.

William: It's not used much, but I quite like it! Hmmm... do you know what Feifei?

Feifei: What?

William: I'm getting hungry again.

Feifei: Oh not...!

William: Yes, it's carrot time!

Mmm… Do you want a carrot Feifei?

Feifei: 我不要,你还是留着你的兔子食儿吧。我现在准备去吃上一大碗毛家红烧肉。Bye!

William: Bye!
