英语听力精选进阶版 6741(在线收听

William: Watch out, he is going to jump the gun again…

Yang Li: You don't know that yet, so don't you jump the gun.

Gun shot

William: Look, what did I say? He did jump the gun. It will have to start all over again now.

Yang Li: Yes, you are right. But could you just switch off the TV for two minutes please? It's time for Authentic Real English.

William: Oh yes. Authentic Real English from bbcukchina.com. Hi, I am William Kremer.

Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉。今天我们要学的短语是 to jump the gun, 最初来自体育比赛,意思是抢跑,抢跳。

William: Yes. It's a phrase that people might use when they are talking about a race, like a swimming race.


Woman 1: The 100-metre freestyle was exciting. However, nearly every time someone jumped the gun.

Woman 2: Oh, that's a bit disappointing. But you enjoyed it, did you?

Woman 1: Oh yes, it's my favourite sport.

William: If someone jumps the gun, it means that they start too soon, before the starting signal.

Yang Li: Which can be quite frustrating for everyone including the audience.

William: More often nowadays, people use this phrase when someone says something or does something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it.

Yang Li: 你的意思是说,在没有弄清情况之前就抢先说话或行动,是吗?

William: Kind of. Let's hear some more examples.


Man: He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologised for jumping the gun.

Man 2: You know what happened to Dan, my friend?

Woman: Yes how did he do in his job interview?

Man 2: What happened was that he was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday he didn't get the job after all.

Yang Li: 以上两个例子:一个是在没有听别人解释之前就大喊大叫。另一个是新工作没到手,就把老工作给辞了,这在汉语里就是操之过急或过早采取行动了。

William: It can be very embarrassing if you jump the gun. I did it once before but hopefully never again.

Yang Li: Well, I am too slow to jump the gun, so that's not a problem for me. But is there a phrase for that in English, Will?

William: Well, yes, there is, but I don't think I'm going to tell you.

Yang Li: Oh, please, tell me…

William: No, no.

Yang Li: Oh, please.

William: Maybe, next time?

Yang Li: Are you not going to tell me?

William: No, I am not going to tell you.

Yang Li: I've got this gun… I am going to gun you down if you don't…

William: No… no.

Yang Li: Are you going to or not? Yes or no?

William: No.

Gun Shot
