英语听力精选进阶版 6750(在线收听

Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Neil.

Li: 我是杨莉。 Neil, is that a new watch?

Neil: Yes I got it from my parents.

Li: Oh that's nice.

Neil: Did I tell you I'm going on holiday soon?

Li: No, where?

Neil: To Hawaii.

Li: Wow, how can you afford a holiday to Hawaii? Neil 说他要去夏威夷度假,他怎么会有那么多钱呢?

Neil: My in-laws paid for it. We told them it was too expensive but, you know, we just need a holiday.

Li: 嗯,原来是他的岳父岳母在后面赞助呢。

Neil: I'm thinking of giving up work actually, Li.

Li: Giving up work? 你说什么,放弃工作? 那你的生活开销怎么办?

Neil: Oh my wife can work. You know what, Li? I really need to move into a bigger house in a nicer part of London.

Li: But you just said you're going to give up work! 工作不要了,那你怎么能买新房子啊?

Neil: My grandparents will give me some money. They always do.

Li: Neil, there's a word for people like you. You're a sponger!

Neil: A sponger!? How rude!

A: When I was at university I had no money at all. I had to buy second-hand clothes and I could never afford to go out for a meal even though I had a part-time job.

B: Yeah me too, but there were all these other students with cars and designer labels eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy.

A: What a bunch of spongers.

B: Yeah.

Li: A sponger 就是指那些从别人那里蹭饭蹭钱的人,在汉语里就是我们常说的游手好闲的人,在英语中常指靠吃政府救济的人。

Neil: Just like a sponge.

Li: 就像海绵一样,从别人那里汲取好处,like a sponge.

Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it. A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. And it can also be used as a verb – to sponge off someone.

Li: 这个词也可以用做动词 to sponge off someone 啃别人。注意这个动词词组里要 使用 off.

Neil: Whether it's a verb or a noun, it's still not a nice thing to say about someone, Li.

Li: 恕我直言,我觉得你就是个典型的蹭饭的人 a sponger, 你说呢?

Neil: You're right. I'm a sponger but I'm proud of it. Do you fancy taking me out for dinner? There's a fantastic restaurant I've been meaning to go to. It's very expensive, but you can afford it Li.

Li: 这不说着说着要到我头上来了,让我花钱请他去吃一顿! What a sponger…
