英语听力精选进阶版 6755(在线收听

Li: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Li. And here with me is Neil. Hi Neil!

Neil: Hi Li! Before we start the programme I've got some good news for you.

Li: Yes?

Neil: I've just fixed your bike tyres as I promised!

Li: Oh Great! I am so happy, Neil! 你终于把我的自行车修好了!你知道,我每天上下班就靠这自行车了。I ride it when I come into work and when I go home. 上个星期我把车拿到修车店,可是他们竟没有修好。But now thanks to you I can use it again!

Neil: I am glad to have been of service but… Well, you know, you told me you'd pay me for the work … Well, now would be a good time because I am a bit short of cash at the moment, actually.

Li: Oh, you want to receive some payment as I promised you? 我的确说过要回报你! That's fair. Here you are!

Neil: What are these?

Li: Your payment, Neil.

Neil: Peanuts?!

Li: Yes, Neil, 花生。 You keep saying that there are people who work for peanuts! 你不总是说,很多人都在为挣花生而工作吗?这不,我给了你一大把花生还不行?

Neil: Yes I have said that on occasions but it's got nothing to do with food! To work for peanuts is an expression in English that means to work for a very small payment.

Li: Now you tell me, Neil! 这么说 work for peanuts的意思是辛苦工作, 但是挣不到大钱。 Is that what you mean?

Neil: Yes. Think. A peanut is something very small and cheap.

Woman: My cousin is a catwalk model and she travels all over the world! But before she became famous she used to work for peanuts! She could hardly buy a lipstick.

Man: I am going to ask for a pay rise. I am tired of working for peanuts!

Li: Oh, I am sorry, Neil, when you said that some people work for peanuts 我以为你特别想要花生作为回报呢!

Neil: That's okay, Li. But now that you know I don't work for peanutswill you give me some money?

Li: Oh yes, of course. As soon as we finish the programme I'll pay you with cash. 我的钱包在办公室的抽屉里,等回去我就把钱给你。 So now give me back my peanuts.

Neil: (sound of chewing)

Li: Neil, the peanuts! 那你还给我花生吧! 我从早上到现在还没吃东西呢,饿死了, I am hungry.

Neil: (speak while still chewing) But I am hungry too and these peanuts taste great!

Li: I know they do. I bought them in the new grocery shop around the corner. 那个食品店特好。

Neil: Don't worry, Li. As soon as you pay me we can go down there and … I'll buy you some more of these delicious peanuts.

Li: Okay. I don't work for peanuts either but I am glad to eat some. 我特喜欢吃花生! Let's go then.

Neil: (sound of monkey) I want some peanuts! (sound of monkey)

Li: So do I, Neil, but why are you making this odd, funny noise? 你听上去像个猴子!

Neil: Well, you know what they say: if you pay peanuts you get monkeys!

Li: Okay, I got the message. 你给的是花生就只能招到猴子,这同汉语中的“微薪养蠢材” 类似。 Let's go. Bye!

Neil: (sound of monkey)
