
   The world this week-Business 本周政治要闻

  Alibaba took its IPO to investors in a roadshow, having priced the offering at between 60 and 66 a share.  阿里巴巴借路演助力IPO,定价区间为60到66美元。
  This could value the Chinese e-commerce firm at around 160 billion when it lists in New York, which is close to Amazon's current market valuation.  照此算来,这家中国电子商务企业在纽交所市值约为1600亿美元,直逼亚马逊。
  With reports that its order book is already full, Alibaba is likely to raise 20 billion or more on its stockmarket debut, and possibly be the most lucrative IPO ever. 有报道称由于需求强劲,阿里巴巴的初次亮相即有可能筹集200亿美元以上,也因此成为史上最能吸金的一次IPO。
  Rocket Internet, a firm in Berlin that specialises in backing e-commerce startups, announced that it would float on the Frankfurt exchange by the end of the year.  德国科技孵化器Rocket Internet宣称将在年底于法兰克福证交所进行IPO,
  It hopes to raise 750m, which would make its IPO Germany's biggest this year. 希望借此筹资7.5亿欧元,如果顺利这将是德国企业今年最大规模的IPO。
  Europe's stockmarkets reacted positively to the European Central Bank's decision to cut its benchmark interest rate to 0.05% and adjust its rate on bank deposits to -0.2%.  欧洲央行决定下调基准利率至0.05%,并将银行存款利率调整为-0.2%。
  It is also to start a programme of buying asset-backed securities.  欧洲股票市场对此反应积极。欧州央行同时启动购买资产支持证券的项目。
  With the ECB loosening monetary policy and the Federal Reserve moving in the opposite direction towards a rate rise,  由于欧州央行推行宽松的货币政策,而美联储则背道而驰,合力之下美元持续走高,
  the dollar continued to strengthen, reaching a 14-month high against the euro. 与欧元的汇率达到14个月以来的峰值。
  As expected Joaquin Almunia, the European Union's competition regulator,  谷歌曾因其在欧洲的搜索业务涉讼,
  asked Google to offer new concessions in an antitrust settlement that had been reached in February about its search business in Europe.  今年二月此事以和解告一段落。
  Mr Almunia said that the reaction from Google's competitors had been very, very negative.  然而不出所料的是,欧盟竞争专员华金·阿尔穆尼亚要求谷歌再让一步,因为谷歌的竞争对手反应非常非常消极。
  He is leaving the job in November and will be replaced by Denmark's Margrethe Vestager. 阿尔穆尼亚先生将于11月离职,继任者是丹麦的玛格丽特·维斯塔格。
  BP's share price recovered somewhat from its hammering on September 4th,  英国石油股价自9月4日猛跌,日前稍有回升。
  when a judge issued a long-awaited ruling and found it grossly negligent for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, which leaves it exposed to fines of up to 18 billion.  彼时法官在延宕数年后,就2010年墨西哥湾漏油事件做出裁决,认定该公司存在重大过失,从而使其面临180亿美元的罚款。
  Halliburton and Transocean, which were also involved in the Deepwater Horizon project, were found to be negligent, but not grossly so. Halliburton与Transocean二公司同样涉嫌深水地平线项目,不过法官认定它们仅存在一般过失。
  Jack Lew, America's Treasury secretary, once again urged Congress to pass legislation to stop tax inversion takeovers,  美国财政部长杰克·卢再一次敦促国会立法,叫停税务反转收购。
  warning that the relocation of American corporate profits to lower-taxed countries threatened the progress made on reducing the budget deficit.  他警告说,这种将美国公司利润转置于低税收国家的行为,有损政府缩减赤字的努力。
  Mr.Lew wants a broad reform of business taxes, which he acknowledges are distorted. 卢先生意欲推行全面的营业税改革,他认为现有机制是扭曲的。
  Amid the usual hoopla Apple launched the iPhone 6 and its first smartwatch, simply called the Apple Watch.  苹果的产品发布会一如既往的热闹。本次的新产品包括iPhone 6和苹果旗下首款智能手表。
  The premium version of the iPhone 6 has a bigger 14cm screen, a nod to the growing phablet market.  iPhone 6高配版本拥有更大的屏幕,这是对平板手机市场不断增长的认同。
  Apple's latest devices can also be used to make contactless payments in shops.  苹果的最新设备还能实现遥控支付。
  It was Apple's biggest product launch since the iPad, though wireless payments and smartwatches are not new and have so far failed to grip the imagination of consumers. 本次产品发布会是自iPad以来规模最大的一次,遗憾的是,无线支付与智能手表均非苹果首创,并且到目前为止,未能……
  A sporty runaround 直白的敷衍
  Fiat-Chrysler announced that Luca Cordero di Montezemolo is to step down as chairman of its Ferrari division after 23 years in the job.  菲亚特-克莱斯勒宣布,在担任法拉利主席长达23年之后,卢卡·克劳德洛·迪·蒙特泽莫罗将辞去这一职务。
  He had repeatedly clashed over strategy with Sergio Marchionne,  由于竞争日趋激励,
  Fiat's boss, who wants to integrate Ferrari's technology with Fiat's premium cars as competition with rivals moves up a gear.  菲亚特CEO塞尔吉奥·马尔乔内常欲整合法拉利技术与菲亚特之豪华轿车,蒙特泽莫罗先生却总有不同意见。
  Mr Montezemolo will depart on October 13th, the same day that Fiat-Chrysler lists in New York. 后者离职的日子定在10月13日,这也是菲亚特-克莱斯勒在纽约上市的同一天。
  Carlos Slim added to the recent flurry of activity in Brazil's telecoms industry when his America Movil confirmed it was in talks to join a venture to buy TIM Participacoes.  巴西电信产业近来颇为忙乱,卡洛斯·斯利姆又添了把柴:他旗下的美洲电信确认,后者正就收购TIM Participacoes一事展开谈判。
  TIM is owned by Telecom Italia, which insists the business is core to its strategy.  TIM的拥有者是意大利电信集团,后者坚持该公司业务是其核心战略。
  The Italian firm was rebuffed last month in its bid to buy GVT, another Brazilian phone company. 此外不幸的是,意大利电信曾试图收购另一家巴西电话公司GVT,但其报价被断然拒绝。
  General Electric sold its electrical-appliances business,  通用电气长期以来向许多美国家庭提供着经济实惠的洗衣机和冰箱,
  which has supplied affordable washing machines and fridges to many American homes for decades, to Electrolux of Sweden for 3.3 billion.  现在它将家电业务售于瑞典的伊莱克斯。
  This is part of the conglomerate's strategy under Jeff Immelt to sell off its less profitable or unwieldy ventures in order to focus on engineering and aerospace. 这是杰夫·伊梅尔特的集团战略之一,即剥离利润较薄和风险较高的业务,从而专注于重型电机和航空发动机。
  Mathew Martoma, a former analyst at SAC Capital, was given a nine-year sentence for insider trading, one of the longest prison terms handed down to date for the crime.  曾担任SAC Capital基金经理的马修·马尔托玛因内幕交易获刑九年,这是迄今为止依此罪名判处的最高刑期。
  The hedge fund, which is run by Steven Cohen, has already pleaded guilty in the case,  史蒂夫·科恩旗下的对冲基金已作出有罪答辩,
  in which it traded shares in two drugs companies conducting experimental work on a cure for Alzheimer's after receiving tip-offs. 承认在知晓内幕信息后,交易了两家药企的股票。这两家药企均在开发治疗阿兹海默症的新药。
  Flying sardine cans 飞翔的沙丁罐头
  Ryanair, Europe's biggest budget airline, ordered 100 of Boeing's new 737 MAX aircraft,  欧洲最大的廉价航空公司的瑞安航空预测到2024年,
  with an option to buy 100 more, as it forecast that it would carry 150m passengers in 2024, almost double the number today.  其年均载客量将达到一亿五千万人。
  The airline also persuaded Boeing to squeeze in eight extra seats, which it describes as slimline. 基于这一信息,瑞安航空它已向波音公司订购了100架737 MAX,并计划在未来追加100架。它还说服波音在飞机上增加了80个座位,并称之为做细一些。