英语听力精选进阶版 7300(在线收听


Kaesong is one of the few historical sites open to tourists that's not specifically linked to the Kim family that has ruled North Korea since independence. The city is held up in the North as a symbol of national reunification as it was the capital of the 10th Century Koryo dynasty that united the entire peninsula.

North Korean officials attending the UNESCO ceremony stood and clapped the decision to give the sites World Heritage status. The North has always used its interpretation of history to boost its case in the struggle for national sovereignty against South Korea.

The South maintains that an earlier southern-based dynasty was the first to unify the country. But even the legacy of Kaesong is a sensitive one for the North's historians. The dynasty marked a high water mark for Buddhism on the peninsula - a culture that was all but eradicated along with other religions after independence.

The city was initially in South Korea after the division of the peninsula in 1945 but was conquered by northern forces during the Korean War. It later came to be seen as a symbol of reconciliation - being near the site of a joint industrial zone established by the two sides after the year 2000. But the southern-owned factories currently lie idle - closed by the North Koreans during a recent bout of tension over its rocket and nuclear tests.

Quiz 听力测验

Which family or dynasty is Kaesong linked to?

The Koryo dynasty

True or false? South Korea believes the Koryo dynasty was the first to unify the country.

False. The South maintains that an earlier southern-based dynasty was the first to unify the country.

What event led to North Korea controlling the town of Kaesong?

The Korean War

What are the factories in the joint industrial zone making at the moment?

Nothing. They currently lie idle.

Glossary 词汇表

held up 被仰视为

reunification 重新统一

dynasty 王朝

united 统一了

interpretation 理解,解释

a high water mark 全胜时期

eradicated 铲除了,根除了

a symbol of reconciliation 和解的象征

lie idle 闲置,被搁着不用

bout 一阵,一小段时间
