英语听力精选进阶版 7322(在线收听

全球医学专家警告说未受抗生素影响的细菌对现代医学构成了严重威胁。他们在《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志上发表的一篇文章中呼吁世界各地的人们一同对抗此威胁。

The experts warn we're at the dawn of a post-antibiotic era. Immediate global action is needed, they say, if dire consequences are to be avoided within just a few years.

This would involve cutting down on the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics and providing incentives to pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs. Research would be needed into how antibiotics in farming affect the growth of drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

The experts warn that without effective antibiotics, treatments ranging from minor surgery to current cancer chemotherapy regimes could become impossible and that deaths from infections in developed countries might return to levels last seen in the early 20th century.

They also say healthcare costs would probably spiral, as we'd be forced to resort to newer, more expensive drugs and stay in hospital for longer when recovering from illness.

Quiz 听力测验

1. True or false? Health experts want doctors to stop giving out unnecessary prescriptions.

True. Experts want them to cut down on the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics.

2. What should pharmaceutical companies be given to develop new drugs?


3. In relation to this story, what happened in the early 20th century that we might see again?

The level of deaths from infections in developed countries.

4. Why might healthcare costs increase if no action is taken?

People would have to use more expensive drugs and stay in hospital for longer when recovering from illness.

Glossary 词汇表

post-antibiotic era 后抗生素时代

dire consequences 可怕的后果

prescription 处方,药方

incentives 奖励措施,奖励机制

drug-resistant strains 耐药性菌株

effective 有效的

treatments 治疗

regimes 方法

spiral 急剧增长

to resort to 诉诸于,求助于
