英语听力精选进阶版 7478(在线收听

Fighting has continued to rage in Libya despite some 70 sorties from international aircraft trying to enforce a UN resolution to end attacks on civilians by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces. At least nine people were reported to have been killed by forces loyal to the Libyan leader in the city of Misrata, the only big rebel stronghold in western Libya. There were also clashes near Ajdabiya, in eastern Libya, as Ian Pannell reports.

尽管国际社会战斗机试图执行联合国的决议,终止卡扎菲军队对平民的袭击,利比亚的冲突仍在继续。据报道,忠于利比亚领袖卡扎菲的军队已经造成米苏拉塔至少9人死亡。这是叛军在利比亚西部唯一一个较大的堡垒。利比亚东部Ajdabiya附近也发生了冲突。Ian Pannell报道。

We drove towards Ajdabiya. The road is littered with the charred and smoking remains of Colonel Gaddafi’s military. There were reports that his forces had been repelled by the rebels, but just listen to this. It’s the whistle of a tank round fired past our car by government troops at the opposition fighters. A number of people were injured, some killed. Despite the announcement of a ceasefire, government forces are still attacking the rebels in the east and trying to hold on to the territory they’ve taken. Even so, the people of Bengahzi had been celebrating today, believing that the balance of power has now swung in their favour.


President Obama said it’s part of American foreign policy that Colonel Gaddafi should leave office.


I also have stated that it is US policy that Gaddafi needs to go. And we got a wide range of tools in addition to our military efforts to support that policy.


But he stressed that the current Western military operations in Libya were about protecting civilians. Shortly after Mr Obama spoke, loud explosions were reported near Colonel Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli.


Oil prices have surged again after the latest air strikes against Libya. Prices rose nearly 1.5% on fears of prolonged fighting in Libya and supply disruptions elsewhere in the Middle East. Libyan oil exports have been halted by the uprising.


The President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh has insisted that the majority of Yemenis still support him. The president’s authority has been shaken by high-level resignations in recent days. Andrew Bolton of our Middle East desk reports.

也门总统萨利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)坚持称,大部分也门人仍然是支持他的。最近几天,由于几位部长辞职,总统的权威受到了动摇。我们的中东记者Andrew Bolton报道。

The list of senior figures voicing support for the opposition in Yemen continues to grow. Among the latest, a prominent general, a number of other officers and a senior tribal leader. But President Saleh remains defiant. A source close to him told the BBC the president would not stand down and would call elections later in the year. The National Defense Council, which the president chairs, said the army would not hesitate, as it put it, to carry out its duty in the face of any coup plot.


Syrian troops have been deployed in the southern city of Deraa as thousands of demonstrators march for a fourth successive day calling for greater freedom and an end to corruption. At least six people have died in clashes with security forces, including an 11-year-old boy.


World News from the BBC

Thousands of supporters of Ivory Coast’s 'Young Patriots' movement have answered a call to join the army to fight for Laurent Gbagbo, who’s refused to leave the presidency since last November’s election. In the city of Abidjan, the pro-Gbagbo youths chanted threats to supporters of Mr Gbagbo’s rival Allasane Ouattara, who’s internationally recognized as having won the election. In the northern city of Bouake, a BBC correspondent says thousands of people who’ve fled violence in Abidjan are arriving every day, many describing their terror at the almost constant gunfire.


Abnormally high levels of radio-active substances are being detected in seawater near the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, which was damaged by an earthquake and tsunami 10 days ago. Radio-active iodine levels are over 100 times higher than government-set standards, while radio-active ceasium levels are 25 times the official limit. Earlier, the head of the United Nations nuclear agency said the situation was still very serious at the plant. Yukiya Amano was speaking at an emergency meeting at the IAEA. Kerry Skyring reports.

日本福岛核电站附近的海水中检测到超出正常水平的放射性物质。福岛核电站在十天前的地震和海啸中受损。放射性碘的水平已经超过政府设定的标准的100倍,放射性铯的水平是官方上限的25倍。此前,联合国原子能机构负责人表示,福岛核电站的形势仍然非常危险。天野之弥(Yukiya Amano)在国际原子能机构紧急会议上发表讲话。Kerry Skyring报道。

The IAEA chief is calling for a review of nuclear safety standards, beginng with earthquake and tsunami prone areas. He says the existing system was designed in the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Mr Amano now wants improved coordination among experts during the early stages of a nuclear crisis. He says the priority remains stabilising the nuclear reactors at Fukushima and restoring safety. He is confident this will be achieved but that the current international response to a nuclear emergency needs to be reassessed.


President Obama has called for a new relationship between the United States and Latin America based on equal partnership and shared responsibilities. Speaking in Chile, he said Latin America was fundamental to the prosperity and security of the US.

