英语听力精选进阶版 7434(在线收听

Rebel forces in Libya have made a rapid advance westwards against government troops helped by international air strikes which have destroyed many of Colonel Gaddafi's tanks and artillery. Explosions have been heard in the capital Tripoli and the government stronghold of Sirte. Earlier, rebels captured the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Brega. Ben Brown reports.

国际社会发动空袭,摧毁了利比亚领袖卡扎菲上校的许多坦克和大炮。在他们的帮助下,反叛力量迅速向西推进。首都的黎波里和政府堡垒苏尔特出现了爆炸声。此前,反政府军队占领了石油港口拉斯拉努夫和布雷加。Ben Brown报道。

It’s been a remarkable day for the rebels. They've now advanced westwards along the coastal highway. Town after town has fallen to them - Brega, Uqayla, Ras Lanuf, Bin Jawad. The rebels are in a state of high excitement. They've been firing their guns into the air in exuberant celebration. But the truth is they would never have made this breakthrough if it hadn't been for the devastating coalition air strikes outside Ajdabiya on Thursday and Friday. The rebels claim they could be in Sirte tomorrow, Colonel Gaddafi's birthplace and his heartland.


A rebel spokesman in another Libyan city Misrata told the BBC that fighting was continuing for control of the main roads through the city. He said the rebels were being helped by aerial attacks by Western forces.


'This is the first night of major, major activities and major bombings by the international community around Misrata. They have bombed all his resources and barracks around Misrata, so we are getting much needed and much appreciated and great help from the international forces and the international community.'


NATO has agreed to take control of all international operations in Libya. The organisation's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the decision would take immediate effect. From Brussels, here's Chris Morris.

北约同意掌控驻利比亚一切国际行动。北约秘书长拉斯穆森(Anders Fogh Rasmussen)表示,该决定将立即生效。Chris Morris在布鲁塞尔报道。

The secretary general says the alliance has decided to take on the whole military operation in Libya. 'We will implement all aspects of the United Nations resolution,' Mr Rasmussen said in a recorded statement. NATO has already agreed to enforce the arms embargo and patrol a no-fly zone over Libya. But the mission to protect civilians was more sensitive, because it involved debate about what exactly are legitimate military targets on the ground. The precise details of the rules of engagement have not been revealed, however. Alongside the NATO command structure, there will be a separate high-level committee of representatives from all countries taking part in military action, including Arab states.


Chris Morris 

The Syrian government has admitted that at least 12 people, including members of the security forces, have been killed during the past two days in anti-government protests in the coastal city of Latakia. Another 200 people were wounded when unidentified gunmen opened fire on protesters. Some demonstrators have accused government forces of being behind the violence. The authorities have blamed armed gangs and outsiders for trying to destabilise Syria.


World News from the BBC

Israel has activated a new anti-missile defence system to shoot down rockets fired from Gaza. The system called Iron Dome is operating near the city of Beersheba in the south of the country. Palestinian militants have fired more than 80 rockets into southern Israel in recent days. Israel says its aircraft attacked Gaza on Sunday, killing two members of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, who were preparing an attack.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered a humiliating result in a key regional election in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Results so far indicate her Christian Democrat Party will lose power in the state, which it's held for six decades. The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle of the liberal FDP expressed his disappointment.

德国总理默克尔在巴登-符腾堡州的区域选举中遭遇了耻辱性的结果。目前为止的结果显示,她的季度民主党将在他们控制了六十年的地区失利。德国外长,自由民主党人威斯特威勒(Guido Westerwelle)表达了自己的失望。

'It's a bad day for us liberals. We've lost the vote today. The nuclear energy issue seems to have been the deciding theme that concerned everyone. It was a vote on the future of nuclear energy. The frightful events in Japan, the nuclear mishap in Fukushima, and their consequences for us in Germany, those were the deciding factors in this local election.'


The operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant crippled by the earthquake and tsunami more than two weeks ago have reported the highest levels of radiation so far. Workers fled the reactor at the Fukushima complex when a reading showed water 10 million times more radioactive than normal. A spokesman later said that figure might have been wrong. But he confirmed that any workers near the contaminated water were to receive four times their annual maximum radiation dose in just one hour.


The armed Basque separatist movement Eta says it would accept what it calls 'informal international verification' of its ceasefire. Eta called a truce last year and in January said it will be permanent. But the Spanish government has refused to recognise it.

