英语听力精选进阶版 7440(在线收听

Troops supporting the two rival leaders in Ivory Coast have continued to fight for key buildings in the main city Abidjan, including the presidential palace and state television station. There were reports of heavy artillery fire as forces loyal to the man internationally recognized as the new president, Allasane Ouattara, closed in on those supporting his rival, Laurent Gbagbo. Four United Nations soldiers were seriously wounded during the day. Andrew Harding reports.

支持科特迪瓦相互敌对的两位领袖的军队仍在发生冲突,争夺主要城市阿比让的关键建筑,包括总统府和国家电视台。有报道称,忠于国际社会认可的新总统瓦塔拉的力量包围支持竞争对手巴博的军队时出现了激烈的炮火声。当天四名联合国士兵受重伤。Andrew Harding报道。

Allasane Ouattara’s forces say they are now making a final push to seize the city. Reinforcements have been pouring in – pickup trucks packed with young men. But the fighting appears haphazard and likely to drag on. Laurent Gbagbo, who lost last year’s presidential election, remains somewhere in the city. It’s hard to see how his forces can win this, but they are clinging on. The battle for Abidjan will be decisive.


The American offshore oil and gas drilling contractor Transocean has paid its top executives bonuses for achieving what it said was its best year in safety performance. This is despite the deadly oil platform explosion in the Gulf of Mexico a year ago. Andy Gallacher reports.

美国近海石油和天然气开采承包商Transocean向高管发放奖金,奖励他们在安全方面取得了表现最好的一年,尽管一年前墨西哥湾曾经发生了致命的石油钻井平台爆炸事件。Andy Gallacher报道。

A presidential commission concluded that the explosion was caused by cost-cutting and directly blamed Transocean, BP, and Halliburton for the disaster. Despite that Transocean handed out huge bonuses to its executives, citing the company’s best year for safety ever, Transocean’s annual report acknowledges the explosion. But it goes on to say they exceeded internal safety targets. Transocean has always maintained that BP is solely responsible for the oil spill.


Israel has called on the United Nations to scrap a report which accused it of war crimes during its Gaza offensive two years ago. The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the report was a farce which must be rectified immediately. Its author Richard Goldstone wrote in an American newspaper that his report would have been a different document had he known then what he did today. Judge Goldstone said investigations by the Israeli military and recognized by a UN committee had shown that Israel did not intentionally target Palestinian civilians.

以色列要求联合国废弃一份报告,该报告指控以色列两年前进攻加沙地带时犯有战争罪。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡表示,这份报告是一个闹剧,必须立即进行纠正。该报告的作者Richard Goldstone在美国一家报纸上写道,如果他提前知道今天的情况,当初的报告会是另外一份文件。法官Goldstone表示,由以色列军方进行,联合国委员会认可的调查显示,以色列当时并没有故意袭击巴勒斯坦平民。

Another attempt is being made to stop radioactive contamination leaking into the sea at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power station in Japan. A crack was discovered on Saturday in a concrete pit at the plant’s number two reactor. From Japan, Rachel Harvey.

日本仍在努力防止受损的福岛核电站的放射性污染物泄漏入海洋。周六,工作人员在该核电站二号反应堆发现了一条裂缝。Rachel Harvey在日本报道。

A photograph released by officials shows water pouring in a steady jet from a crack in a wall. The water is contaminated with radioactive iodine and it’s leaking into the sea. Attempts to plug the gap with concrete have proved unsuccessful. The next plan is to dig a hole in the trench just behind the pit and fill it with an absorbent polymer. The authorities say the radioactive material will rapidly dissipate in the sea and is not thought likely to endanger health. But the pools of contaminated water within the nuclear plant are hampering efforts to stabilise the reactors.


BBC News

The top United Nations official in Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, has said the UN will not be driven out of the country in what he called a 'delicate and crucial period’. He was referring to an attack on UN personnel on Friday in the city of Mazar-e Sharif when 14 people, seven of them UN staff, were killed in a protest against the burning of a Qu'ran in the United States. President Obama said the burning of any holy text was an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry.

联合国驻阿富汗高级官员德米斯图拉(Staffan de Mistura)表示,在这个“微妙的,关键的时期”,联合国不会被赶出阿富汗。他指的是周五,联合国工作人员在马扎里沙里夫遭遇袭击的事件。阿富汗人发动了反对美国焚烧可兰经的抗议活动,造成14人死亡,其中7人是联合国工作人员。奥巴马总统表示,焚烧任何圣书的行为都是极端难以容忍的,偏执的行为。

The man who has ruled Kazakhstan for more than 20 years, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is standing for re-election today with a strong likelihood that he will win again. Under constitutional changes made in 2007, Mr Nazarbayev is allowed to stand as many times as he wishes. From Alma-Ata, Rayhan Demytrie.

统治哈萨克斯坦20多年的努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)今天竞选连任,而且再次获胜的可能性非常大。按照2007年进行的宪法修改,纳扎尔巴耶夫可以无限次连任。阿拉木图,Rayhan Demytrie报道。

Voters in Kazakhstan have the choice of four candidates: three rather obscure politicians and the incumbent Nursultan Nazarbayev. But with the main opposition parties boycotting the vote there is no genuine competition. And it is widely expected that after more than 20 years in power, Mr Nazarbayev will win another term. The government wants to ensure high turnout, but it might be difficult as there is certain apathy among the voters.


A state-funded human rights organization in Mexico says thousands of people have disappeared there over the past five years. The National Commission on Human Rights said almost 5,400 people have been reported missing since 2006 when the President Felipe Calderón declared war on drug cartels. A study by the UN has suggested that Mexican security forces may have played a part in the disappearance of some of those missing.


A court in Guatemala has ordered the divorce proceedings of the country’s first couple to be halted. The first lady, Sandra Torres, announced last week that she would divorce the President, Alvaro Colom, so she could stand for election to succeed him. Guatemala’s constitution bans close relatives of the president from running for the top office. Petitioners said the planned divorce was a farce aimed at circumventing the constitution.

危地马拉法庭下令总统与第一夫人离婚的司法程序暂停。第一夫人Sandra Torres上周宣布她将与总统Alvaro Colom离婚,这样她就可以参加竞选,接替总统职位。危地马拉宪法禁止总统的亲属竞选高级官员。离婚案原告称,总统和夫人有计划的离婚是为了规避宪法规定的闹剧。
