英语听力精选进阶版 7444(在线收听) |
The commander of the Libyan rebel forces, Abdul Fatah Younis, says Nato has apologised for mistakenly attacking a column of rebel tanks near Ajdabiya, in the east of the country. General Younis said the air strike, which killed several rebels, had occurred despite Nato being warned that the tanks were being moved to the frontline. Wyre Davies is in Benghazi. 利比亚反对派武装力量指挥官尤尼斯(Abdul Fatah Younis)表示,北约已经因误炸东部城市艾季达比耶附近反叛武装一列坦克而道歉。尤尼斯将军表示,尽管已经告知北约这些坦克赶赴前线,北约还是发动了空袭,造成几名反叛武装人员死亡。Wyre Davies在班加西报道。 The rebel commanders were insisting that Nato planes fired upon them, and there's been a line out of the political rebel leadership tonight in Benghazi saying this was actually the work of the remnants of Gaddafi's air force. While that isn't impossible, I think it's highly improbable. Part of the problem today may have been that the rebel forces sent in for the first time in a long time a lot of very heavy armour. Tanks and rocket launchers were sent in on the ground. And whether those were mistaken for Gaddafi armaments, we don't know, but that could be one explanation. 反对派指挥官坚持称北约飞机对他们开火,而班加西政治反对派领袖内部有人表示这实际上是卡扎菲空军残余势力的作为。这并不是不可能,而是绝对没有可能的。今天的部分问题可能是由于长期以来反对派首次拥有这么强有力的武装,我们向现场派遣了坦克和火箭筒发射器。我们不知道这是否被误认为是卡扎菲的武装,但是这可能是其中一个解释。 Elsewhere in Libya, a relief ship carrying emergency supplies of food and medicine has arrived in the western city of Misrata, which is being besieged by government forces. It's delivering hundreds of tonnes of high-energy biscuits, flour and water purification tablets, as well as enough medicine to last 30,000 people for a month. The ship was chartered by the UN World Food Programme. 在利比亚其他地方,携带食品和药品等紧急补给物资的救援船只抵达西部城市米苏拉塔,该城市现在正被政府武装围困。这艘船只搭载了数百吨高能量饼干,面粉和水净化剂,以及足够30,000人维持一个月的药品。这艘船只由联合国粮食计划署派遣。 The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has responded to charges from some rebels that he is trying to keep Colonel Gaddafi in power. He said Turkey's only interest is the well-being of Libya and he was working for an early ceasefire. 一些反对派力量指控土耳其总理试图让卡扎菲上校继续掌权,埃尔多安对此作出回应。他表示,土耳其唯一感兴趣的就是利比亚人民的福祉。他正在努力促成双方及早停火。 A gunman has shot dead at least 11 children at a school in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. Police say he killed himself when they arrived. Around 20 other people were wounded. Here's James Read of our America's desk. 一名持枪男子枪杀了巴西城市里约热内卢一所学校至少11名学生。警方表示,他们到达枪杀案现场时歹徒已饮弹自尽。另外还有20人受伤。我们的美国记者James Read报道。 The gunman has been identified as 24-year-old Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, a former pupil at the school. Police say he entered a classroom with two revolvers and a suicide note, and began shooting indiscriminately. Some wounded children managed to escape and alert the police. When they confronted the killer, he shot himself in the head. Most of the victims were between 9 and 14 years old. President Dilma Rousseff wept as she condemned the massacre - the first of its kind in Brazil. 持枪者是24岁的Wellington Menezes de Oliveira,以前曾经在这个学校就读。警方表示,他手持两把左轮手枪和一封自杀信走进一间教室,然后不分青红皂白地乱枪扫射。一些受伤的学生得以逃脱报警。遭遇警方之后,持枪者自杀。大部分受害者是9岁至14岁的孩子。罗塞夫总统谴责这次屠杀行为时掩面而泣,这还是巴西首次发生类似的枪杀事件。 Japan has lifted a fresh tsunami alert that was issued after an earthquake hit the northeast of the country. The 7.1-magnitude aftershock was the most powerful to have struck Japan since an earthquake triggered a huge tsunami last month. Rachel Harvey reports from Tokyo. 日本东北部再次遭遇地震袭击,官方发布新的海啸预警。这次7.1级的余震是自上月的大地震引发海啸以来最强烈的余震。Rachel Harvey在东京报道。 Once again a powerful earthquake, and once again it's the northeast coast of Japan that has borne the brunt. There are some reports of minor injuries caused when people tried to run to safety, but no news of more serious casualties. Officials have been quick to reassure the public that the crippled nuclear power plant at Fukushima appears not to have suffered any further damage, but some power sources at another nuclear plant in the affected region have been knocked out, though officials say the backup systems there are working. 又一次强烈的地震,而且又是日本东北部海岸遭遇袭击。现在有一些轻微的受伤报告,导致一些人试图逃离到安全地带,但是并没有更严重的伤亡。官员们已经迅速向公众保证,受损的福岛第一核电站没有遭受进一步的损害,但是受灾地区另外一座核电站的部分地区断电,但是官员们表示后备系统正在工作。 World News from the BBC Israel says it's used a new missile defence system for the first time to prevent a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said two projectiles were successfully intercepted by the anti-missile system known as Iron Dome. Witnesses reported seeing one rocket brought down as it headed towards the city of Ashkelon. 以色列表示,他们首次使用新的导弹防御系统阻止了来自加沙地带的火箭弹袭击。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡表示,铁穹号导弹防御系统成功拦截了两枚投掷物。目击者报道称看到一枚火箭弹在飞往亚实基伦的途中被击落。 Bahrain says there's no firm evidence to back accusations that it's intensified a campaign of abuses against those suspected of involvement in anti-government protests, in particular allegations by the medical charity MSF that patients have been arrested and beaten inside Bahrain's main hospital. Human rights groups have accused the authorities in Bahrain of arresting, sacking and intimidating suspected protesters. 巴林方面表示,没有确凿证据证实他们加强了对涉嫌参与反政府抗议的人的虐待,尤其是医疗刺杀机构所说的巴林主要医院的病人被捕并被殴打。人权组织指控巴林当局逮捕,解雇和恐吓抗议者嫌疑人。 The European Central Bank has raised its main interest rate for the first time since 2008. The increase of 0.25% to 1.25% is intended to tackle rising inflation. Here's our economics correspondent Andrew Walker. 欧洲中央银行自2008年以来首次提高主要利率。利率上涨了0.25%,现在达到1.25%,目的是应对通货膨胀。我们的经济记者Andrew Walker报道。 The European Central Bank has a target for inflation of below 2%. The most recent figure for the euro area is 2.6%. The bank is keen that consumers and business should not expect much higher inflation because if they do, they are more likely to seek higher wages and raise prices. Increasing interest rates sends a signal that the ECB will act to prevent that. The risk is that it might undermine economic growth, especially in countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. They are already struggling with serious financial problems. 欧洲中央银行的目标是将通胀控制在2%以下。欧元区最新的通胀率是2.6%。欧洲中央银行希望消费者和企业不要预期更高的通胀率,因为如果他们这样预期的话,他们会要求更高的薪资,并提高价格。提高利率发出了一个信号,欧洲中央银行将会采取措施抑制通胀率继续上涨。风险是,这可能会危害经济增长,尤其是希腊,爱尔兰和葡萄牙等国家。他们已经面临严重的财政问题。 Parliament in Kosovo has elected a woman police commander as president to resolve a political stalemate. The unanimous selection of the compromise candidate Atifete Jahjaga comes a week after the constitutional court ruled that the election of her predecessor, the businessman Behgjet Pacolli, had been invalid. Ms Jahjaga, who's 35 and has never run for office before, is the first female president in Kosovo's three years of independence. 科索沃议会选举警察部队一名女指挥官为新总统,来解决目前的政治僵局。宪法法庭宣布,选举企业家Behgjet Pacolli担任总统的决定是非法的。一周之后,议会一致选择折中派阿蒂费特·亚希亚加为继任者。35岁的阿蒂费特·亚希亚加以前从参加过竞选,是科索沃独立三年以来首位女总统。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/458686.html |