英语听力精选进阶版 7474(在线收听

New research suggests the risk of an HIV-positive person transmitting the disease to an uninfected partner can be reduced drastically if they are given early treatment with anti-retroviral drugs. A large-scale trial of couples across four continents gave a reduction of 96% in cross infections. Professor Ian Sanne is a chief researcher in the trials from the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa.

最新研究发现,如果及早接受抗逆转录药物治疗,HIV检测阳性病人将疾病传播给伴侣的风险会大大降低。在四个大洲对情侣进行的大规模试验表明交叉感染的风险会降低96%。南非金山大学(Witwatersrand University)内科部的Ian Sanne教授是这些试验的主要研究人员。

"This, a 96% result, is quite remarkable. Because of the very convincing result, we now need to look at how this result will impact on the international treatment guidelines, and we need to work out how the package of prevention care can be best adopted for different populations."


A court in Germany has ordered the release of 91-year-old John Demjanjuk, despite finding him guilty of helping to murder more than 28,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland. The court in Munich sentenced him to five years in prison, but issued the release order on grounds of his age and pending an appeal. The main German prosecutor Hans-Joachim Lutz said Mr Demjanjuk's personal guilt was proven.

德国法庭下令释放91岁高龄的John Demjanjuk,尽管他曾经在纳粹占领的波兰帮助杀害了28,000多名犹太人。慕尼黑法庭判处他五年的监禁,但是由于John Demjanjuk年事已高而且低头认罪,法庭下令将其释放。主要的德国检控官Hans-Joachim Lutz表示,Demjanjuk的罪行已经得到证实。

"Nearly 70 years after the crime, we have been able to prove the guilt of the accused. The accused was a victim of German aggression as shown by the trial, but he later became a criminal of his own will. He could have withdrawn from his job in the concentration camp in Sobibor, but he didn't do this."


Descendants of the founder of the giant French vehicle maker Renault are seeking compensation for the nationalisation of the company in 1945 after their grandfather was accused of collaborating with the Nazis during the Second World War. Seven grandchildren of Louis Renault argued that no other company similarly placed under German control was nationalised without compensation.

法国汽车巨头雷诺汽车公司创始人的后代因1945年公司的国有化索赔。当时,他们的祖父被指控二战期间与纳粹分子相勾结。路易斯·雷(Louis Renault)的七个孙子辩称,其他被德国控制而国有化的公司全部都受到了赔偿。

Europe's football governing body Uefa has called the Barcelona midfielder Sergio Busquets to a disciplinary hearing over allegations he racially abused a black Real Madrid player by calling him a monkey during a match. The abuse allegation was brought by Real Madrid's Brazilian player Marcelo, supported by video evidence from the club. Alex Capstick reports.

欧洲足联要求巴塞罗那中场队员塞尔吉奥·布茨克斯(Sergio Busquets)进习训诫处罚听证会,因为他被控种族歧视,辱骂皇家马德里队员为猴子。这项指控由皇马巴西队员马塞洛提出,俱乐部的录像资料也支持了这种说法。Alex Capstick报道。

European football's governing body, which has vowed to crack down on racism in football, has now decided to launch disciplinary proceedings. The punishment for racial abuse is a five-match ban. Uefa have already handed a five-match ban to Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho after his outburst during the same match. Racism has been a controversial issue in Spanish football. There have been complaints from foreign black players. Earlier this year, Barcelona's Brazilian defender Danny Alves said it was uncontrollable.

欧洲足联曾经誓言打击足球比赛中的种族歧视现象,现在决定开始训诫程序。种族歧视的惩罚是禁止参加五场比赛。在同一场体赛中,皇马主教练已经因为情绪爆发而被禁止参加五场比赛。种族歧视在西班牙足球界一直是一个充满争议的话题。外国黑人队员曾经投诉。今年年初,巴塞罗那巴西后卫Danny Alves表示这一点是无法控制的。

World News from the BBC

A British inquiry into the invasion of Iraq has released a letter from a former intelligence officer who said he came under strong pressure to find evidence to support military action. The official Michael Laurie said an intelligence dossier in 2002 asserting that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction was intended to make the case for war. His comments directly contradict the testimony of the former British government's director of communications, Alastair Campbell.

对伊拉克战争进行调查的英国工作小组公布了一名前情报官员的信件。他表示自己受到寻找证据来支持军事行动的巨大压力。情报官员Michael Laurie表示,2002年一份断言萨达姆在制造大规模杀伤性武器的卷宗是为了给战争制造借口。他的说法与前英国政府通讯官员阿斯戴尔·坎贝尔(Alistair Campbell)提供的证词完全相反。

The founder of the Bangladeshi micro-lending institution the Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, has resigned as its head after a row with the government. More from Anbarasan Ethirajan.

孟加拉国小额信贷机构格莱珉银行(Grameen Bank)创始人穆罕默德·尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)由于与政府发生争吵而辞职。Anbarasan Ethirajan报道详细内容。

In a short statement, Mr Yunus said he had taken the decision to avoid what he called "undue disruption" to the bank's activities following last week's Supreme Court's ruling. The court upheld the official decision to sack him from the bank saying at 70 he was well past the mandatory retirement age. His supporters say the decision to sack him from the bank is related to his attempt to enter politics three years ago, a charge the government denies. Mr Yunus started the Grameen Bank to offer micro loans to the poor, and the model has been replicated in many countries around the world.

在一份简短的声明中,尤努斯表示,上周最高法庭的裁决之后,他决定避免对银行的互动造成“不恰当的扰乱”。法庭支持官方的决定,将尤努斯革职,因为他已经70岁,远远超过了法定的退休年龄。他的支持者表示,银行将其解雇是因为他三年前曾经试图进入政治领域,政府否认了这种说法。尤努斯开创了格莱珉银行(Grameen Bank)为穷人提供小额贷款,全世界许多国家复制了这种典范。

A body that represents Europe's professional athletes has said that hundreds of its members want to launch a legal challenge to the World Anti-Doping Code on the grounds that it violates their human rights. The code requires that some athletes declare their whereabouts for an hour every day in case they are ordered to have a drugs test.


The White House is proposing radical new legislation to regulate the way the United States protects itself from hackers, criminals and spies. It will be the country's first comprehensive plan to improve the protection of critical infrastructure, such as the electrical grid and financial systems, and also includes better reporting and monitoring.

