英语听力精选进阶版 7536(在线收听

European leaders have reached agreement at an emergency meeting in Brussels on a new bailout for Greece in an effort to prevent the eurozone debt crisis from spreading. The European Union President Herman van Rompuy said the programme would be financed by the EU, the IMF and the private sector. He insisted that Europe would defend its currency.


"Today, ladies and gentlemen, with all these decisions we have shown that we will not waver in the defence of our monetary union and our common currency. Final remark: when European leaders say that we will do everything what is required to save the eurozone, it is very simple. We mean it."


The package is reported to be worth more than $200bn. Interest rates for loans to Greece are to be reduced and their duration will be extended. Mr van Rompuy said private sector involvement in emergency measures would be restricted to Greece.


Some news just in, the BBC has learnt that a senior journalist at the Sun newspaper, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's media group, has been sacked in connection with phone hacking. It's not clear whether the journalist previously worked for the now defunct News of the World, which is at the heart of the hacking scandal here in Britain.


Syrian security forces are reported to have intensified their operation against anti-government protesters in the country's third biggest city Homs. A Syrian human rights activist told the BBC that government forces have killed at least two people. Owen Bennett-Jones reports from Beirut.

据报道,叙利亚安全力量加强了在第三大城市霍姆斯市打击反政府抗议者的行动。一名叙利亚人权积极分子告诉BBC,政府力量已经杀害了至少2人。Owen Bennett-Jones在贝鲁特报道。

The protesters and the security forces in Homs are locked in a protracted and violent battle of wills. For days now, residents have been saying that they are frightened and stuck in their homes, listening to gunfire outside. On the streets, there are checkpoints and a heavy security presence as the authorities seek to arrest protest organisers. It seems that some of the violence in Homs has been sectarian with the city's Sunni and Alawite communities clashing. Both the government and opposition accuse each other of encouraging sectarian violence.


NATO says it's investigating how its computer network was hacked. A group of international hackers calling themselves Anonymous said they had breached NATO security and downloaded hundreds of confidential documents. The cyber attack comes days after 21 suspected members of Anonymous were arrested in the US, Britain and the Netherlands. Caroline Hawley reports.

北约表示正在调查电脑网络遭遇袭击事件。一些自称“匿名者”的国际黑客声称他们攻破了北约的安全防火墙,下载了数百份机密文件。这次网络袭击事件发生在“匿名者”组织21名成员在美国,英国和荷兰被捕之后。Caroline Hawley报道。

According to Anonymous, its hackers have now laid their hands on one gigabyte of restricted data. The documents they posted online don't appear to contain information that will concern NATO too much. But a NATO official condemned any leak of classified documents, saying they could potentially endanger security. A splinter group of Anonymous has previously hacked the website of the CIA and of Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency. Taunting NATO on Twitter, Anonymous says it has more of what it calls the organisation's "delicious data".


Caroline Hawley

World News from the BBC

The President of Malawi, Bingu wa Mutharika, has rejected calls to step down despite the deaths of 18 people in two days of anti-government riots. In an address to the nation, President Mutharika said nothing would be solved by violence and that he would talk to the opposition. A BBC correspondent in the capital Lilongwe says government buildings have again been attacked.

马拉维总统宾古·瓦·穆塔里卡(Bingu wa Mutharika)拒绝了要求他下台的呼声,尽管已有18人在过去两天的反政府暴动中遇难。在向全国发表的讲话中,穆塔里卡总统表示,任何问题都不可能通过暴力方式解决,他将于反对派举行对话。BBC驻马拉维首都利隆圭一名记者表示,政府建筑再次遭遇袭击。

Pakistan has accused the United States of conducting a "slander campaign" against it. It was responding in a foreign ministry statement to the recent arrest of an American of Pakistani origin, Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai. Mr Fai has been charged with illegally lobbying the US government and a failing to register with the authorities as the agent of a foreign government. He denies any wrongdoing.

巴基斯坦指控美国对它发动了“诽谤运动”。巴基斯坦外交部发表声明,对巴基斯坦裔美国人Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai的逮捕作出回应。Fai被控告非法游说美国政府,作为外国政府的特工未向政府登记。他否认了任何错行。

The governing body of world football, Fifa, says it fears that young players from poorer nations are being trafficked by criminal gangs to fix matches. Fifa's head of security, Chris Eaton, said they were groomed to help fix matches in the future. Here's our sports reporter Alex Capstick.

国际足联表示,他们担忧来自贫困国家的年轻队员会被犯罪团伙收买来操纵比赛。国际足联安全负责人克里斯-伊顿(Chris Eaton)表示,这些球员将来会被用来操纵比赛。我们的体育记者Alex Capstick报道。

Chris Eaton is in charge of Fifa's attempts to control the scourge of match-fixing. He suspects young footballers from poorer nations are being targeted by criminal gangs. He describes a situation in which the players and their families are approached at international junior tournaments. They are promised deals with clubs in Europe and Latin America. In exchange, they are expected to comply when asked to alter the outcome of games. He says the betting rings are well-funded and have long-term plans.

克里斯-伊顿(Chris Eaton)负责严打赌球现象。他怀疑来自贫困国家的球员是犯罪团伙的目标。他描述了球员和他们的家人进入国际锦标赛的形势。他们获得承诺与欧洲和拉丁美洲的俱乐部签订协议。作为交换,他们在比赛中要遵守犯罪团伙的意愿,改变比赛结果。他说,赌球团伙的资金非常雄厚,有着长期的计划。

Queen Elizabeth's second son Prince Andrew is to step down from his job as Britain's special representative for trade and investment. The prince has been compromised recently by his friendships with controversial figures. He came in for particular criticism for his association with an American businessman convicted of sex offences against a girl under the age of consent. Buckingham Palace said Prince Andrew would still undertake trade engagements in keeping with normal practice by members of the royal family.

