英语听力精选进阶版 7590(在线收听

The man leading Afghanistan's efforts to negotiate peace with the Taliban has been killed by a suicide bomber at his home in the capital Kabul. Burhanuddin Rabbani, a former president of Afghanistan, was meeting two members of the Taliban at the time. Police say the attacker had a bomb concealed in his turban. David Loyn reports from Kabul.

代表阿富汗与塔利班分子进行谈判的负责人在首都喀布尔家中遭遇自杀式爆炸袭击身亡。拉巴尼(Burhanuddin Rabbani)是阿富汗前总统,爆炸发生时正与两名塔利班成员会面。警方表示,袭击者将炸弹隐藏在头巾中。David Loyn在喀布尔报道。

Among the dead and injured with former President Burhanuddin Rabbani in his home was Masoom Stanekzai, a close adviser to President Karzai, who's returning from the UN General Assembly in New York to Afghanistan to deal with the crisis. The explosion could hardly be heard a street away, but its shock wave will spread across the country. Former President Rabbani may have died trying to negotiate peace, but in his life he was a highly divisive figure. His death may not necessarily derail the prospects for peace talks with the Taliban, depending on who'll succeed him, but it will make the process far harder to manage.

与拉巴尼总统一起遭遇袭击的死伤者还包括卡尔扎伊总统的亲密顾问斯坦尼卡泽(Masoom Stanekzai),他刚刚从纽约联合国大会返回阿富汗应对危机。爆炸在一条街以外几乎听不到,但是这次袭击事件却使举国震惊。前总统拉巴尼或许是由于努力促进和平而牺牲,但是在他的一生中,他却是造成分裂的人物。他的死亡不一定会导致与塔利班分子的和平谈判受阻,政府还会部署新的人员接替他的工作,但是会使这个过程更加艰难。

The International Monetary Fund has warned that the global economy is entering a dangerous new phase. It says the United States and the eurozone are at increased risk of falling back into recession. Here's our economics editor Stephanie Flanders.

国际货币基金组织警告称,全球经济正在进入危险的新阶段。IMF表示,美国和欧元区重新进入衰退的危险越来越大。我们的经济记者Stephanie Flanders报道。

There's plenty of bad news to go around. The growth forecast for this year and next has been cut for almost every country listed in the report. Continued volatility in the eurozone was one of the two largest risks to the recovery identified in the report; the other was the possibility of a prolonged slowdown in the US. The fund said that politicians in Washington needed urgently to reach a long-term solution to America's debt problems to free up money to support the recovery right now.


The Greek finance minister is engaged in a new conference call with debt inspectors to try to persuade them to release the next phase of the international bailout. Greece says it needs the new loan of $11bn or it'll run out of cash by the middle of next month.


President Obama has welcomed Libya's transitional leader to the United Nations in New York. The new Libyan flag flew outside UN headquarters as Mr Obama and other world leaders greeted Mustafa Abdul Jalil. Mr Obama praised the Libyan people's achievement in liberating their country.

奥巴马总统欢迎利比亚过渡政府领袖来到纽约联合国。新的利比亚旗帜在联合国总部外飘扬,奥巴马和其他世界领导人对贾利勒(Mustafa Abdul Jalil)表示欢迎。奥巴马总统盛赞了利比亚人民在解放他们的国家的过程中取得的成就。

"Today, the Libyan people are writing a new chapter in the life of their nation. After four decades of darkness, they can walk the streets, free from a tyrant. They are making their voices heard in new newspapers and on radio and television, in public squares and on personal blogs. They are launching political parties and civil groups to shape their own destiny and secure their universal rights."


The African Union has ended weeks of internal discussion and formally acknowledged the National Transitional Council as Libya's sole legitimate authority. The debate over recognition of Libya's former rebel movement caused deep divisions within the AU, which includes several countries that had close links with Colonel Gaddafi.


World News from the BBC

The Pakistan Air Force has flown its first mission to deliver relief supplies to people hit by widespread flooding in the south of the country. Helicopters were used to drop aid to isolated villages in the worst affected province of Sindh. The United Nations says three million people in Pakistan are running desperately short of food as a result of the floods.


The World Health Organisation has confirmed that polio has spread to China from Pakistan. China had been polio-free for more than a decade. The UN's health agency warned there was a high risk of the crippling virus spreading further during Muslim pilgrimages to Mecca. Viv Marsh reports.

A statement by the UN's health agency said a strain of polio had been isolated in China that was genetically linked with the wild polio virus type 1 currently circulating in Pakistan. The organisation said at least seven people in China had contracted that strain, all of them in the far western region of Xinjiang, which has a border with Pakistan. Polio was last brought into China from India in 1999. China's last indigenous case was in 1994. Pakistan is one of a handful of countries where polio remains endemic.

Vote counting is getting underway in presidential and parliamentary elections in Zambia. Observers say voting was generally peaceful despite scattered violence in the capital Lusaka. Cars were set alight, and youths tore down posters of Zambia's President Rupiah Banda after some polling stations opened late. President Banda is thought to be facing a strong challenge from his main opponent, the Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata.

赞比亚总统和议会选举的计票工作正在进行。观察员表示,尽管首都卢萨卡出现了零散的暴力现象,投票过程总体来说是和平的。由于一些投票站开门比较晚,一些汽车被点燃,年轻人撕下了赞比亚总统邦达(Rupiah Banda)的海报。据信,邦达总统面临主要竞争对手,爱国阵线(Patriotic Front)领导人萨塔(Michael Sata)的严峻挑战。

Prosecutors in Mexico say officials in charge of the prisons from which dozens of inmates escaped have been detained. Thirty-two prisoners staged an almost simultaneous breakout from three jails in western Veracruz state on Sunday. Prosecutors said the prison directors and their deputies were detained on suspicion of helping the inmates to escape.

