英语听力精选进阶版 7657(在线收听

The British Prime Minister David Cameron has defended his decision to veto a new European treaty aimed at strengthening the eurozone, saying he did so to protect Britain's national interest. He said he'd genuinely sought agreement at last week's summit but couldn't get the safeguards he wanted to protect the financial sector. But the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who wasn't in the Commons to hear Mr Cameron, says differences between them remain and the coalition had to work together to re-engage with Europe to protect jobs.

英国首相戴维德·卡梅隆为自己否决意在加强欧元区的欧盟新协议的决定进行辩护,称这么做是为了保护英国的国民利益。他说在上周的峰会上确实支持协议,但没有得到他想要的保护金融机构的保证条款。副首相Nick Clegg当时没有在下议院听卡梅隆的讲话,他说两人之间仍有意见分歧,联盟必须协同一致,重新与欧洲合作以保护就业。

"The prime minister and I clearly do not agree on the outcome of the summit last week. I've made it very clear that I think isolation inEurope, when we are one against 26, is potentially a bad thing for jobs, a bad thing for growth and a bad thing for the livelihoods of millions of people in this country."


President Obama and the visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have laid wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery on the outskirts of Washington, where many of the almost 4,500 Americans killed in Iraq are buried. Speaking at the start of a week which will mark the final withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, Mr Obama said America was leaving with its head held high and would never abandon its allies and interests there.


Defence officials in Pakistan have told the BBC that they are considering demanding millions of dollars in annual taxes and charges on Nato trucks and fuel tankers. The vehicles pass through Pakistan en route to Afghanistan. Jill McGivering reports.

巴基斯坦国防官员告诉BBC,他们正考虑对北约卡车和运油车征收年税和费用。这些车辆经由巴基斯坦进入阿富汗,Jill McGivering报道。

Many in Pakistan are still furious about last month's Nato air strikes close to the Afghan border, which killed at least 24 members of its security forces. For Nato, the overland route through Pakistan is a key part of supporting operations in Afghanistan. Now Pakistan's defence officials have introduced a new factor: cost. They say that until now the transit permission has been verbal and informal, but it may be time, they say, to negotiate a formal agreement.


A Russian billionaire, Mikhail Prokhorov, says he'll challenge the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the presidential election in March. Mr Prokhorov said the unprecedented anti-government protests that have been held in recent days were a sign that Russian people were becoming more alert.

俄罗斯亿万富翁Mikhail Prokhorov称将挑战总理普京,参加三月份的总统选举。Prokhorov称,最近几天这场前所未有的反政府抗议,标志着俄罗斯人民已开始觉醒。

"Society is waking up. And no matter whether we want it or not, those authorities who fail to establish a dialogue with society, I think they will soon have to go. Therefore, a serious change is happening in the world, and a new sort of person is emerging, I would say, due to the development of the Internet, and communications between the authorities and society are becoming closer."


Mr Prokhorov said he was targeting Russia's growing middle class. The BBC Moscow correspondent says there's deep mistrust of the super-rich in Russia, so it's unclear how much support he'll have.


World News from the BBC

Member states of the International Criminal Court have chosen a Gambian lawyer, Fatou Bensouda, as its new chief prosecutor. She was elected by consensus at a meeting at the United Nations in New York. All the ICC's current investigations are in Africa, but several of its leaders have complained that Africa has been unfairly targeted. Anna Holligan reports from The Hague.

国际刑事法庭(ICC)成员国选择冈比亚律师Fatou Bensouda为新主检察官,她是在联合国纽约一次会议上经全体表决被当选的。ICC目前所有调查都在非洲,但其几名领导人投诉称,非洲遭到不公平的对待。Anna Holligan在海牙报道。

She's been working as a deputy for the last seven years. Now Fatou Bensouda is preparing to take on the highest role within the International Criminal Court. Speaking at the UN Assembly of State Parties in New York, she thanked her colleagues for having faith in her abilities and promised to continue working to achieve the court's ambition of ending impunity for the most serious crimes against humanity. The new chief prosecutor has already stated she will not change the established approach of going after war criminals regardless of where they come from.


The parliament in Tunisia has elected a new president. The former opposition leader Moncef Marzouki from the secular Congress for the Republic party was appointed. It follows parliamentary elections in October after the uprising in Tunisia which ousted its former long- standing leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in January this year.

突尼斯议会选举新总统,共和党世俗议会前反对派领导人Moncef Marzouki当选。今年一月份的突尼斯起义中,长期在位的前领导人本阿里被逐,十月份进行了议会选举。

A 93-year-old Belgian-Congolese nurse who saved hundreds of wounded American soldiers during World War II has received a belated award for valour from the US army. Augusta Chiwy volunteered to help at a medical centre at the height of the Battle of the Bulge in the town of Bastogne.

一名93岁的比利时和刚果金双重国籍护士,因在二战期间拯救了数百名受伤的美国士兵,被美军授予迟到的嘉奖。巴斯托尼的坦克大决战最激烈时,Augusta Chiwy义务前去帮助一处医疗中心。

The International Amateur Boxing Association says allegations of corruption involving Azerbaijan and the 2012 Olympics are groundless. It said the claims in a domestic BBC television programme relied heavily on hearsay and were unsupported by any credible evidence. It wasalleged that Azerbaijan had been guaranteed two boxing gold medals at London 2012 in return for $10m investment. The BBC said it stood by its investigation.

