英语听力精选进阶版 7711(在线收听

Rebels in Mali are reported to have taken control of the biggest military camp in the north of the country, a garrison near Gao, after fighting with government forces. The regional group Ecowas has put 2,000 troops on standby. Thomas Fessy is following events from neighbouring Senegal.

据悉,马里叛军与政府军作战,并控制加奥附近一处驻地,这是该国北部最大的军营。地区组织西非国家共同经济体派遣2000名士兵备用。Thomas Fessy在邻国塞内加尔追踪报道。

I've spoken to a rebel commander on the ground who claims that his men have now taken over that big military camp, that soldiers were on the move fleeing towards Bamako. We have yet to understand how many casualties there are. The army was able to put up strong resistance, but not enough apparently because tonight the outcome is that the Tuareg-led rebels seemed to have taken over this military camp, which is a major trophy for them in their fight for an independent north.


The Muslim Brotherhood has decided to field a candidate in Egypt's presidential election, reversing an earlier pledge that it could not contest the poll. The group announced at a press conference that its deputy leader Khairat al-Shater would stand in the election in May. From Cairo, Yolande Knell reports.

穆斯林兄弟组织决定派出一名候选人参加埃及的总统大选,而此前该党宣誓称不会参加竞选。在新闻发布会上,该组织宣称其副职领导人Khairat al-Shater将参加5月的选举。Yolande Knell在开罗报道。

Khairat al-Shater, a wealthy businessman, has long been a senior member of the Islamist group. He spent 12 years in prison because of his connection with the Brotherhood, which was previously banned. He was only released after last year's uprising. The Muslim Brotherhood said it had reversed its decision not to contest the presidency to ensure the success of Egypt's revolution and the transfer from military to civilian rule. The Brotherhood already dominates Egypt's newly elected parliament and the panel set up to draft the new constitution.

富商Khairat al-Shater一直是这个穆斯林组织的资深成员,由于与曾经被禁的兄弟组织有染,他被囚禁12年,去年起义后方获释。穆斯林兄弟组织称改变之前不参与总统选举的决定,是为了维护埃及革命的成果,并确保该国由军事统治过渡到民治。在即将将草拟新宪法的埃及新当选议会中,兄弟组织占支配地位。

The transitional government in Libya said nearly 150 people have been killed and hundreds more injured over the past week in fighting between rival ethnic groups near the southern town of Sabha. It said there was a shortage of medical supplies, but that a truce had been reached and the area was now calm.


Polls open in parliamentary elections in Burma in a few hours' time in a vote seen as a test of the military-dominated government's commitment to democratic reform. The opposition leader and Nobel peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi is standing for a seat for the first time. Fergal Keane is in Rangoon.

几小时后缅甸议会选举即将开始投票,这将检验军政府致力民主改革的诚意。反对派领导人兼诺贝尔和平奖获得者昂山素季首次占得一个席位。Fergal Keane在仰光报道。

It's the support of key constituencies like the Buddhist clergy and the rural masses that are central to Aung San Suu Kyi's strategy of building a movement that can pressure the government into holding a general election. For its part, the military-backed government hopes reform will end sanctions, boost international investment and allow it to develop popular support. This by-election won't change the government of Burma for now, but in the long run it could end up changing history. That was Fergal Keane in Rangoon.

昂山素季得到了诸如佛教牧师和农村群众等关键选民的支持,这对她发起一项足以对政府施压并进行大选的运动来说至关重要。军政府希望改革能结束制裁,促进国际投资,并进一步培养民心。这次候补选举暂时不会改变缅甸政府,但从长远看,将会改变历史。Fergal Keane在仰光报道。

You're listening to the latest World News from the BBC.

The United States and Arab Gulf nations have called on the international envoy Kofi Annan to set a timetable for the Syrian government to accept his peace plan. A statement after a meeting between the US and Gulf countries in Saudi Arabia said Mr Annan's efforts were urgent and a timeline for the next step should be established if the Syrian government continued killing protesters.

Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik says the security forces have foiled a plan to attack the Pakistani parliament. At least two people have been arrested, including a government employee. Mr Malik said that militants were planning to target a joint sitting of parliament two weeks ago while it was being addressed by the country's president.

巴基斯坦内务部长Rehman Malik称,安全部队阻止了一项袭击巴基斯坦议会的计划。包括一名政府雇员在内的至少两人被捕。Malik表示,两周前,武装人员计划在总统讲话时对议会联席会议发动袭击。

The head of a company whose cruise liner was left drifting after an engine room fire near the Philippines is to fly to Borneo to meet passengers when it docks there. Emergency repairs have been carried out on the engines of the liner, the Azamara Quest. Six crew members were injured in the fire, one of them seriously. Kate McGeown reports from Manila.

一艘游轮在菲律宾附近时引擎室起火,只好漂流在水面,游轮所属公司负责人将飞往游轮停靠地柏罗洲,与船上乘客见面。Azamara Quest号游轮的引擎目前正在紧急维修中,6名船员在火灾中受伤,其中一人受伤严重。Kate McGeown在马尼拉报道。

The Azamara Quest is now back on the move. It's making its way towards Malaysian Borneo and is due to arrive there on Monday. The vessel had been drifting in the Sulu Sea since Friday evening when a fire broke out in the engine room, disabling both engines and cutting the power supply. But now repairs have been made. It looks like the worst is over for the 600 passengers and nearly 400 crew members. The operator of the Azamara Quest has promised all passengers a full refund and another free trip.

Kate McGeown号现在启动了,正往马来西亚柏罗洲驶去,将于周一抵达那里。周五晚上引擎室失火,导致两台引擎失灵,并使电力中断,自此游轮一直在苏禄海上漂浮着。不过现在引擎已修好,对于船上600名乘客和近400名船员来说,最糟糕的时候已经结束了。Kate McGeown号的运营商向所有乘客承诺会全额退款,并提供一次免费旅行。

The communist government in Cuba has declared Good Friday next week to be a holiday at the request of Pope Benedict. Good Friday is an important part of the Easter period for Christians, and the Pope made the appeal during his recent visit to the island. A Cuban announcement said the holiday would initially be for this year only, but a decision would be taken later on whether to make it permanent.
