英语听力精选进阶版 7715(在线收听

With the ceasefire in Syria largely holding, the UN Security Council is discussing how to deploy observers to monitor further progress in the six-point international peace plan. Earlier, the international envoy Kofi Annan, who told the council that despite the encouraging reports, the government had not yet fulfilled all its commitments. Barbara Plett reports from the UN.

目前叙利亚已大体上停火,联合国安理会正讨论如何派出观察员监察六点和平方案的实施进展。早些时候,国际使者科菲·安南向安理会表示,尽管有令人鼓舞的报道传来,叙利亚政府并未完全履行其承诺。Barbara Plett在联合国报道。

Security Council ambassadors said they all supported Kofi Annan's request for the rapid deployment of observers to Syria. The American envoy Susan Rice said Mr Annan told the council that Syria's government had not fully complied with the terms of his peace plan that it must withdraw its military forces from civilian areas. The Russian and Syrian ambassadors, on the other hand, spoke about the danger of provocations from the opposition. So motivations may differ, but all seem to agree on the need to try and consolidate the fragile ceasefire as quickly as possible.

安理会大使称,他们都支持科菲·安南要求快速向叙利亚部署观察员的请求。美国使者Susan Rice说,安南告诉安理会,叙利亚政府并未完全遵照其和平方案要求从平民地区撤出武装力量的条款。然而,俄罗斯和叙利亚使者表示,反对派的挑衅很危险。所以,尽管大家动机不同,但看来都认为有必要试着尽快巩固脆弱的停火现状。

In Syria itself, activists said 15 people had been killed during the day in ceasefire breaches while the government said a bomb attack had killed one soldier. Fergal Keane reports from the Turkish-Syrian border.

The news from across the border is confused, generally quiet but with reports of violations in some areas. The problem is that the political crisis which caused the violence remains unresolved, and the opposition will not accept any solution that keeps President Assad in power. After thousands of deaths, tens of thousands driven into exile, the bitterness and mistrust in the way of real peace is immense.


The UN Security Council has demanded an immediate and unconditional end to fighting between Sudan and South Sudan. It described the escalating conflict as a serious threat to international peace. The council asked both sides to pull ba ck their forces, and called for South Sudanese troops to withdraw from the Heglig oil field they seized on Tuesday, and for Sudan to end aerial bombardments. The council statement came hours after the presidents of the two countries accused each other of seeking a full-scale war.


The Egyptian parliament has voted for a law that would ban some senior officials who served under former President Mubarak from standing for president in the forthcoming elections. The law would disqualify the former Vice-President Omar Suleiman, who has just declared his candidacy. However, the measure is likely to be blocked by the ruling military council. From Cairo, Jon Leyne reports.

埃及议会为一项法律投票,该法将禁止前总统穆巴拉克一些旧日高级官员参加即将来临的总统大选。这将使刚刚宣布自己候选人资格的前副总统Omar Suleiman没有参选资格。然而,这项措施有可能遭到执政军事委员会的反对。Jon Leyne在开罗报道。

This law was adopted by the Egyptian parliament as a direct response to the decision by the former intelligence chief and Vice-President Omar Suleiman to run for president. In theory, it could prevent Mr Suleiman and several other officials who served under Hosni Mubarak from standing in next month's election. In practice, it's unlikely to be ratified by the ruling military council and most unlikely to come into force before the electoral commission certifies the list of candidates later this month.

前情报部长兼副总统Omar Suleiman决定参加总统选举,埃及议会的这项法律正是对Suleiman此举的直接表态。理论上,这项法律能阻止Suleiman和另外几名穆巴拉克旧日部下参加下月的选举。而在实践中,执政军事委员会可能不会批准该法,在选举委员会本月晚些时候确定候选人名单之前,这项法律没有生效的可能。

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Heavy fighting has broken out in the capital of Guinea-Bissau, where troops are reported to have taken control of the headquarters of the governing party and the national radio station. Troops are also reported to have occupied the streets where the outgoing Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior has his offices. Mr Gomes won the first round of the presidential election last month.

几内亚比绍首都发生重大战斗,据悉军队控制了执政党总部和国家广播台,并占领了即将离职的总理Carlos Gomes Junior办公室所在的大街。Carlos Gomes于上月赢得了总统选举的第一轮投票。

The American neighbourhood watch volunteer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager in Florida has appeared in court for the first time. George Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder over the death of Trayvon Martin in February and was remanded in custody. Steve Kingstone reports from Washington.

在佛罗里达开枪打死手无寸铁黑人少年的一名美国社区看守志愿者首次出庭,齐默曼因2月杀死马丁被指控以二级谋杀罪,目前仍在拘留中。Steve Kingstone在华盛顿报道。

Wearing handcuffs and blue prison overalls, 28-year-old George Zimmerman looked calm during a televised court appearance that lasted just two minutes. The judge informed him of his right to remain silent and read out the charge of second-degree murder, meaning Mr Zimmerman intended to kill 17-year-old Trayvon Martin at the time of his death, but did not plan the killing in advance. The court was adjourned until 29 May.


The government in Spain is to set up a DNA database to help track down thousands of babies who were removed from their families by health and religious workers from the years of Franco's dictatorship right up to the 1990s. The decree of 1940 allowed children to be taken into custody if their moral education was at risk. It's alleged that under the law, hundreds of babies were seized and sold for cash by nuns, doctors, nurses and other health workers.


Police in Serbia have recovered a painting by the French 19th century artist Paul Cezanne and have arrested four men, all Serbs. The painting, The Boy in the Red Vest, valued at about $110m, was one of four works stolen from a Swiss museum in 2008. Two million dollars in cash and weapons were also seized in the recovery operation.

塞尔维亚警方擒获一幅由法国19世纪艺术家Paul Cezanne所作的油画,并逮捕了4名塞尔维亚男子。这幅名为《穿红背心的男孩》的油画价值大约1.1亿美元,是2008年瑞士一座博物馆被盗的四件艺术品之一。这次追捕行动还抓获200万美元现金和一些武器。
