美国小学英语教材3:第132课 仙境(在线收听

 Fairyland 仙境

The woods are just behind our house, 树林就在我们屋后边,
And every afternoon at four 每天下午的四点钟,
I go to pick the lovely flowers 我都会去采些可爱的花朵,
That grow right up beside the door; 它们就长在门的旁边,
Nurse says that just old weeds are there— 嬷嬷说那只是些野草,
I call them Garlands for Queen's hair, 我却称他们是皇后的花冠。
The woods stretch westward far away; 这片树林向西延展,
The trees are very tall and green; 树木苍翠,高大参天
They grow on little dimpled hills, 它们长在起伏的山间,
With grassy hollows in between. 小草连坡,布满其间。
Nurse says our woods aren't very grand— 嬷嬷说我们的森林不够宏伟,
I think that they are FAIRYLAND. 但我却认为这就是天上人间。