英语听力精选进阶版 8198(在线收听

The Afghan government has reacted angrily to a US deal in which five senior Taliban militants from Guantanamo Bay were handed over to Qatar in exchange for the release of an American soldier held captive by the Taliban. Sergeant Berg Dahl is now recovering in a hospital in Germany. At a news conference in the United States, his parents said they had not spoken to their son yet and that his recovery would be a long process. His mother Jani Berg Dahl said she looked forward to seeing his son soon.

美国把五名关塔那摩湾的塔利班高级武装分子移交给卡塔尔,用来交换被塔利班俘虏的一个美国士兵。阿富汗政府对美国此行为不满,非常愤怒。美国军士Berg Dahl 现正在德国一家医院休息。在美国的记者招待会上,他的父母称他们还没有与他通过话,而且他需要很长时间才可以痊愈。他的母亲Jani Berg Dahl称她盼望早日见到自己的儿子。

Five years is a seemingly endless long time, but you've made it. I imagine you're more patient and compassionate that ever, you are free. Freedom is yours. I will see you soon, my beloved son. I love you, boy.


Police in northeast Nigeria say a bomb attack has killed at least 14 people and injured several more. Reports say the target of the explosion in the town of Mubi was a bar where people were watching football on TV. The town close to the border with Cameroon is in Adamawa state, one of three where a state of emergency has been declared due to ongoing attacks by the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram.


Qatar has denied new allegations of wrongdoing in connection with its successful bid to host the 2022 football World Cup. The Sunday Times alleged that a Qatari former member of FIFA executive committee Mohamed Bin Hammam paid several million dollars to football officials to back his country's bid. Mark Mardell reports from Qatar.

卡塔尔已经否认对于2022年足球世界杯的成功竞标上有违规行为。星期日泰晤士报宣称卡塔尔前任国际足球联盟执行委员会成员哈曼曾花费数百万美元向足球联盟官员行贿,来支持自己国家的竞标。Mark Mardell在卡塔尔报道。

If proven, these new allegations could change the fortunes not just of a sports tournament but of a country, Qatar. It's been built up to accommodate double the number of passengers through its brand-new 15-billion-dollar international airport, and also planning 20 new hotels of four or five-star quality. The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy strongly denies all the wrongdoings alleged by the Sunday Times. In fact, they say that Mohamed Bin Hammam played no official or unofficial role in securing the bid for Qatar in 2022.



The former Prime Minister of Luxemburg Jean-Claude Junker says he's confident of becoming the next president of the European Commission, despite opposition from Britain. Mr. Junker has the backing of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Steve Evins reports from Berlin.

前任卢森堡总理容克称尽管英国反对,他仍然很有信心成为下一届欧洲委员会主席。容克一直是德国总理Angela Merkel的支持者,史蒂夫·埃文斯在柏林报道。

After the European elections, Mr. Junker emerged as a chosen candidate of the center right parties which have the most seats in the newly elected European parliament. The difficulty is that some EU leaders, with Mr. Cameron at the forefront, are opposing him. The German magazine Der Spiegel said that Mr. Cameron told Chancellor Merkel that if Mr. Junker got the job, Britain would be much more likely to leave the EU. Mr. Junker's now said that attempts to block him are blackmail. Steve Evins. World News from the BBC.


A video tape of a speech by the senior commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards appears to back claims that the presidential elections five years ago were rigged to prevent the return to power of reformists. On the tape, the commander Mohammad Ali Jafari is seen telling a gathering of Iranian officials that the return of the reformers was a red line for the Guards. The tape was posted on the Internet by a well-known dissident in Tehran Mohammed Nourizad who says it's evidence of the rigging of the elections in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

现在有一段关于伊朗革命卫队最高指挥官演讲的视频似乎支持这种说法,声称五年前的总统选举是人为操作的,其目的是防止权力回到改革者手中。在这段视频中,指挥官Mohammad Ali Jafari告诉一群伊朗官员改革者的回归是警卫队的危险警戒线。这段视频的发布者是伊朗著名的异见人士Mohammed Nourizad,他声称这些证据就是用来证明选举时被操控的,从而使其有利于总统Mahmoud Ahmadinejad。

Sudan's Foreign Ministry has denied that a woman sentenced to death for renouncing Islam is about to be released. In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said comments attributed to a senior Sudanese official Abdullahi al-Azureg implying that the release was imminent were taken out of context, and the case was a matter of the courts. Meriam Ibrahim's lawyer Mohaned Mustafa said they had heard nothing from the courts.

苏丹外交部否认将释放因放弃伊斯兰教而被判处死刑的妇女。外交部在声明中称这一说法来自苏丹高级官员Abdullahi al-Azureg,所谓的释放其实是他的断章取义,而且这个案子要取决于法庭判决。Meriam Ibrahim的律师他们并没有从法庭上听到什么。

We went today to the Omdurman prison and even went to the Court of Appeal to find out about this news, and that we have found nothing yet, still the Court of Appeal did not issue any court order.


A former left-wing rebel leader Salvador Sanchez Ceren has been sworn in as president of Al Salvador. Mr Sanchez of the governing FMLN party became the first former guerrilla commander to be elected to lead the central American country. In his inauguration speech, he promised to govern for everybody, to fight corruption, and to promote social justice.

前左翼叛军将领Salvador Sanchez Ceren在萨尔瓦多宣誓就任总统。执政党马蒂民族解放阵线的Sanchez当选为前游击队指挥官去领导中美洲国家。他在自己的就职演讲中承诺为全体人民服务,打击腐败,并积极促进社会公平。

Police in Turkey have once again fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of demonstrators in Ankara a day after violent clashes on the first anniversary of anti-government protest. Around five hundreds people had gathered to remember a 26-year-old protester who was one of eight people killed in last year's clashes. BBC News.

