英语听力精选进阶版 8241(在线收听) |
On Forum in Correspondent today, a Burma special Alex Preston reports on jade smuggling and we hear from Gerona Fischer on one of the world's first hijackings, a participant recalls his fight for an independent Koran Nation. 在记者论坛中今天要做关于缅甸的特殊报道。Alex Preston报道说发生了一起走私玉器事件,Gerona Fischer报道了世界上第一起劫持事件,一个参加伊斯兰教独立战争的士兵的战争回忆录。 This is the BBC world service – The World's Radio Station. Hello, it's one o'clock GMT, 10 in an evening in Rio where there are some very happy German football fans. 现在是格林标准时间一点十分,现在我们位于巴西里约,到处可以看到沸腾的德国球迷。 The German team made really a fantastic World Cup here and glorious day! Well, it's historical day. No Germany winning in America that could be better. 德国球队确实给球迷们带来了足球盛宴,并且创造了辉煌的成绩!这是历史性的一天。再也没有比德国在美洲夺冠更好的事了。 German ecstasy, Argentine agony. 德国人高兴,阿根廷人伤心。 This is very disappointing. We are very sad. We hope that the Argentina wins and it doesn’t happen. 这太让人伤心了。我们非常难过。我们很希望阿根廷夺冠,但是它没有。 I'm Nick Mars. This is the news room, we'll hear from Rio shortly. Also today, more Israeli air strikes on northern Gaza; thousands there are fleeing. Nick Mars为您报道。这里是导播室,随后我们将继续报道来自里约的报道。同样发生在今天,更多的以色列人民正遭受着来自加沙北部的空袭,成千的人民正在逃亡。 How can I do? Look how many kids I have. We just lived with what you see. We are forced to leave. 我能做什么呢?我有这么多孩子要养,你也看到了,我们就是生活在暗无天日的环境里,我们不得不离开这里。 One of the biggest salvage operations in maritime history. To raise the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship begins in a few hours time and later. one of the most prodigious conductors of recent years Lorin Maazel has died. We look back at his career. 史上规模最大的海事行动即将展开,这次打捞行动将打捞Costa Concordia游轮。 近几年最非凡的指挥家Lorin Maazel被证实去世。让我们来回顾一下他的音乐生涯。 You are listening to the BBC. 您现在收听到的是BBC新闻。 BBC News with Natalie Roseton. Natalie Roseton为您报道。 Germany has become the first European team to win the World Cup in Latin America after beating Argentina by a single goal in extra time. Substitute Mario Goetze scored with a superb close range volley. The victory in the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro is Germany's fourth World Cup. Argentina's captain Lionel Messi won the Player of the Tournament award. The BBC's Massy Canyon was at the stadium. 德国是在南美洲地区第一个获得世界杯冠军的欧洲球队。凭借格策一脚漂亮的近距离射门让德国队第四次获得了世界杯冠军。阿根廷队长梅西获得了世界杯金球奖。下面是本台记者 Massy Canyon为您发回的报道。 A brilliant individual goal from Mario Goetze gave Germany their fourth World Cup crown as extra time ticked away in the Maracana and we faced the prospect of penalties. Taking a fine ball from Andre Schuerrle on his chest Goetze fired home first time past Sergio Romero to break the deadlock with minutes of extra time remaining. Argentina had no time to recover and the final whistle sparked huge celebrations from the German camp and tears of despair from their beaten opponent on the pitch and in the crowd. 足球天才格策带领德国第四次赢得了世界杯冠军,当加时赛时间一点一点过去的时候,人们的心中不免更加紧张,还怕自己国家球队会失误。从Andre Schuerrle传过来的球在格策胸前停顿,格策一脚扫射,球略过阿根廷选手Sergio Romero直冲进球门,也是这一球在加时赛的最后定格了双方比分。令阿根廷选手无力还击,随即胜利的烟火撒满天空。德国球迷欢呼雀跃,阿根廷球迷伤心落泪。 The win sparked celebrations in Berlin. Here is Steve Evans. 胜利的烟花照耀整个柏林。下面是Steve Evans为您报道。 The moment of the final whistle and the celebration started. Fireworks exploded into the Berlin sky over a crowd estimated at half a million people. For 113 minutes, as they fear they'd be deprived of the first World Cup for a united Germany, then Mario Goetze broke the deadlock. In the stadium in Brazil, Chancellor Merkel literally jumped for joy. 伴随着最后的哨声,胜利的狂欢也随之开始。烟花开满柏林上空,照耀地上欢呼的人们。在比赛进行到113分钟的时候,他们担心第一次以统一德国身份参加的世界杯会被剥夺,随即格策就凭借其漂亮的射门打消了人们这一担忧。在巴西体育场内,德国总理默克尔也高兴的跳起来。 The Palestinian Health Ministry says 172 Palestinians have been killed since Israel since this started its latest attacks on Gaza, and more than 1,200 people have been injured. No Israeli has been killed but many rockets fired from Gaza by Hamas, and two missiles were shot down over Tel Aviv. Gerome Boyne reports from Gaza. 巴勒斯坦卫生部门称172名巴勒斯坦人在最近这次以以色列袭击加沙战火中丧生,1,200多人受伤。没有以色列人在此次交火中牺牲,但是哈马斯激进分子向加沙地带发射了大量火箭弹,其中两个火箭落在了特拉维夫市。Gerome Boyne在加沙为您报道。 The Israel with American support is at self-defence, but as more Palestinian civilians die, the pressure for a ceasefire is growing. Israel isn't trying to win friends in the Gaza Strip. It does want a weakened Hamas as an organization. But every time Palestinian civilians die, Hamas gets a popularity boost. The Israelis say Hamas attacks their people and it's therefore responsible for civilian deaths when Israel retaliates. But no Palestinian will listen to that. 受美国保护的以色列现在处于自卫阶段,但是随着更多的巴勒斯坦人牺牲,停火的压力越来越大。以色列并没有试图赢得加沙地带的友好,真正想得到的是削弱哈马斯势力发展其为自己下设组织。但是随着巴勒斯坦人民的牺牲,哈马斯势力越来越大。以色列方称是哈马斯激进分子袭击了以色列人民并且要对此负责。但是巴勒斯坦人民不予理会。 Britain and the United States have renewed calls for Russia to de escalate the worsening situation in eastern Ukraine. In a telephone conversation the British Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama stressed the need for Moscow to take further steps towards peace or face further sanctions. Fighting has intensified as a rebel missile attack on Friday killed dozens of government soldiers. Tensions rose further over the weekend when Russia accused Ukrainian forces of shelling across the border killing one person and wounding two others. 英美两国重新叫停俄罗斯对乌克兰局势的干预。在通话中,英国首相卡梅伦与美国总统奥巴马共同强调莫斯科要采取措施维护和平这一主旨。在周五的袭击中数十名政府士兵在叛军的火箭袭击中牺牲。俄罗斯指控乌克兰越境发动袭击并造成俄罗斯人一死两伤,对此,双方关系愈发紧张。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/462924.html |