英语听力精选进阶版 8272(在线收听) |
The embattled Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki has said he would step aside from his post and make way for his nominated replacement Haider al-Abadi. In an address broadcast live in state television, Mr. Al-Maliki pledged support for his successor. Jim Muir reports. 四面楚歌的伊拉克总理马利基表示会下台并将职位让给总理提名人阿巴迪。在当地播出的国家电视台讲话中马利基表示承诺支持他的继任者。Jim Muir为您报道。 Towards the end, he said he didn't want to be the cause for the shedding of a single drop of blood, and therefore he was, as he put it, withdrawing his candidacy in favor of the Prime Minister designate Haider al-Abadi who of course earlier in the week had been asked by the president to form a new government. But Mr. Maliki had indicated that he would dig his heels in and not give way; he, uh, took legal measures, he went to the courts and he said he wouldn't give up. He would combat and defeat this move, he said. Now he's given away. He had become totally isolated politically. He had very, very few supporters; even his own Dawa Party turned against him or at least voted for or supported Mr. al-Abadi. 在讲话最后马利基表示他不希望自己的行为造成双方流血冲突,正如他说的,将会宣布退出总理竞选转而支持本周早些时候被总统任命重组政府的阿巴迪。但是马利基表示将会继续稳定自己的位置,不会放弃,会采用法律手段在法庭上争得自己的职位。现在他在政场上受到了完全孤立,支持者少之又少,甚至他自己的达瓦党都转身反对自己,或者说开始为阿巴迪投票。 President Obama has said that US airstrikes have broken the siege of a mountain in northern Iraq where thousands of members of the Yazidi religious sect had taken refuge from the threat of Islamic State or ISIL jihadists. 美国总统奥巴马表示美国空袭已经在伊拉克北部雅兹迪教派组织成员被困山区打开了通道。 We broke the ISIL siege of Mount Sinjar. We helped vulnerable people reach safety and we helped save many innocent lives. Because of these efforts, we do not expect there to be an additional operation to evacuate people off the mountain and it's unlikely that we're going to need to continue humanitarian airdrops on the mountain. The majority of the military personnel who conducted the assessment will be leaving Iraq in the coming days. 我们已经突破了辛加尔山ISIL组织成员包围。我们帮助弱势群体到达安全地区,帮助拯救了很多无辜群众的生命。通过这些努力,我们不希望还有额外的援助来疏散山区群众,这也是不现实的,我们将继续对山区群众进行人道主义空投援助。大部分管理评估军事人员将在未来几天离开伊拉克。 The center of the rebel-held Ukrainian city of Donetsk has come under heavy artillery fire, leaving two people dead and several wounded. Reports say some shells landed near offices occupied by the pro-Russian militia. Eyewitnesses said private houses had also been hit. Moscow says it's still talking to Kiev to try to secure the passage of a Russian aid convoy to eastern Ukraine. Kiev insists the aid pass through a government check point and be distributed by the Red Cross, but the vehicles appeared to be moving towards Luhansk which is controlled by pro-Russian militia. Here is Steve Rosenberg. 目前受反叛武装力量控制的乌拉克顿涅茨克遭严重军事袭击,造成两人死亡多人受伤。据报道多数导弹坠落在亲俄武装分子占领的办公区附近。据目击者称私人住宅也受到攻击。莫斯科方面称其仍在与基辅讨论尝试俄罗斯救援车队进入乌克兰东部一事。基辅方面坚持俄罗斯人道主义援助车队要通过检查并得到红十字会的分配之后才能通过,但是车队显然是冲着反叛武装分子占领的卢甘斯克去的。Steve Rosenberg为您报道。 We followed the convoy of nearly 300 lorries as they snaked their ways through southern Russia. They eventually parked in a field, a short drive from the border with Ukraine. Russia insists that the convoy is carrying a purely humanitarian cargo. But the Ukrainian authorities and Western governments remain concerned that Moscow could use a humanitarian mission as a cover for a military operation in support of pro-Russian separatists. Moscow says that's absurd. 我们跟随近300辆卡车行走在蜿蜒的俄罗斯南部地区。最后车队停留在距离乌克兰边境不远的地方。俄罗斯坚持称车队只是携带着人道主义物资。但是乌克兰当局和西方政府依然担心莫斯科只是利用人道主义援助为幌子向乌克兰亲俄叛军提供支持。莫斯科方面认为这种想法是非常荒谬的。 BBC News. BBC新闻。 A convoy of vehicles led by the Pakistan cricketer-turned politician Imran Khan planned as an anti-government march is making extremely slow progress from the starting point at Lahore towards the capital Islamabad. Thousands of people have joined the convoy, waving flags, singing and dancing. From Islamabad, Shahzep Jilani. 一队由巴基斯坦板球运动员出身的政治家伊斯兰汗领导的车队作为反政府力量正以拉合尔为起点向着首都伊斯兰堡缓慢前进。成千上万群众加入到了车队当中,挥舞着旗帜,又唱又跳。Shahzep Jilani在伊斯兰堡报道。 The man leading the crowd is the opposition politician Imran Khan. He emerged as the biggest challenge yet to the government of the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It will be a while before Mr. Khan and his convoy of supporters reach Islamabad. But when they do, they plan to hold a sit-in until the government steps down. Many here have a fear that if the standoff drags on for days, it could potentially bring the country to a standstill. 领导群众的是反对派政治家伊姆兰汗,他是最有可能与总理纳瓦兹谢里夫相抗衡的人选。伊姆兰汗和他的车队到达伊斯兰堡还需要一段时间。但是当他们到达之后将会在采取静坐的方式直到政府下台。许多人在担心一个问题,如果局面持续僵持几天的话,有可能会使整个国家陷入瘫痪状态。 Nigeria has recorded a fourth death from the deadly Ebola outbreak. Health officials confirmed another nurse who'd contacted with the Ebola case to occur in Nigeria has died in Lagos. President Obama had called the Liberian and Sierra Leonean presidents to discuss how the US could help curb the spread of the disease which has claimed more than 1,000 lives in West Africa since February. 尼日利亚出现第四个埃博拉病毒感染患者死亡病例。卫生部门证实了又有一名护士在尼日利亚与第一例埃博拉患者接触时感染病毒,在拉各斯死亡。奥巴马总统称要与利比亚和塞拉利昂总统共同讨论,美国可以为遏制埃博拉疫情的传播提供什么帮助一事。自二月来,西非已经宣布已经有1000多人死于埃博拉病毒。 It's been reviewed that the actor Robin Williams who apparently took his own life this week was suffering from the early stages of Parkinson disease along with anxiety and depression. David Villon reports from Los Angeles. 经过对罗宾威廉姆斯死因的调查,有报道称演员罗宾威廉姆斯很明显呈现的是帕金森综合症早期阶段症状,并受焦虑和抑郁的折磨。David Villon在洛杉矶为您报道。 In a statement released by his third wife, Susan Schneider said that Robin Williams spent his life helping others. "He wanted us to laugh and to feel less afraid," she said, dispelling rumors that the comedian had fallen prey either to drink or drugs before he died. She said that Robin Williams' sobriety was intact although she went on to say that he was struggling with the early stages of Parkinson's disease, something he had yet to share publicly. 在他第三任妻子发布的声明中,Susan Schneider表示“罗宾威廉姆斯用尽其一生的精力来帮助他人。他总是逗我们开心,让我们感觉不到害怕。”并否认了外界谣言称其是因为酗酒或者药物刺激而自杀的。她说罗宾威廉姆斯自杀时是头脑清醒的,并表示生前患有帕金森早期综合症,只不过他一直没有与外界公布。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/462967.html |