美国小学英语教材3:第141课 格雷琴的惊喜(2)(在线收听

 So it is not strange that Gretchen felt unhappy in the new land. 格雷琴在这个新的国度感到不快乐也并不奇怪。

She became more unhappy each day, for she began to think that Rupert had forgotten her. 随着时间的流逝,她越来越不快乐,因为她开始认为鲁伯特忘记她了。
When she set her wooden shoes outside the door, they were not filled with any gifts. 她把木鞋放在外的时候,鞋子里没有被放进任何礼物。
Oh! how the little girl wished that she were in her old home again. 啊!这个小姑娘是多么希望她能再回到自己原来的家!
For she began to think that the people in America did not keep Christmas. 因为她开始认为美国人民忘记了圣诞节的传统。
A kind woman in the boarding-house felt sorry for the homesick little girl. 寄宿的地方有位善良的女上为这个思乡的小女孩感到伤心。
So one day she asked Gretchen's mother if Gretchen might go with her to see the beautiful stores. 于是,有一天,她问格雷琴的母亲,格雷琴能不能跟她起去漂亮的商店看看。
She was a poor woman, who had no presents to give away; but she knew how to be kind. 这位女士并不富裕,没有什么礼物可以送,但是她知道如何与人为善。
She took the little girl by the hand, and smiled at her very often as they hurried along the crowded street. 她挽着小女孩的手,一路微笑着匆匆走过拥挤的街道。
The Doll In The Window 橱窗里的玩具娃娃
It was the day before Christmas, and Gretchen was pushed about by the crowds of people. 那是圣诞节的前一天,格雷琴被人群推搡着走。
At last she and her kind friend came to a store which made the child's blue eyes open wide, 最终她和她善良的朋友来到了一家商店,这家商店让孩子的蓝眼睛睁得大大的。
for it was the loveliest toy store she had ever seen. 因为那是她见过的最可爱的玩具商店。
In the window were toys that had come across the sea, as Gretchen had done. 橱窗里的娃娃和格雷琴一样也是远渡重洋来到这里的。
There were dolls that were having their first Christmas in America There were woolly sheep and tin soldiers and doll houses from lands far away. 有许多娃娃将在美国度过自己的第一个圣诞节。还有一些来自遥远国度的绒绵羊、小锡兵和玩具小屋等。