英语听力精选进阶版 8324(在线收听

Street fighting as?reported to have begun in a Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane as Islamic State fighters entered?the?Eastern district after a three-week siege. Hours after two IS flags were hoisted on the edge of the town, Syrian activists and local reports said that urban guerrilla warfare had started. Civilians crowded onto trucks and ambulances carried wounded fighters. Paul Admas reports. 

据报道,叙利亚库尔德地区Kobane城镇与伊斯兰武装分子街区战争自其进入东区领土之后三周之后开始展开。伊斯兰国旗帜悬挂在城镇边缘几小时之后开始引发战争,据叙利亚活动人士和当地报道称城市游击战已经开始进行。当地居民拥挤进卡车上,救护车匆忙运送伤员。Paul Admas发回报道。

"At the end of a long day of constant gunfire, we approach Kobane across an open field, the city lay spread-out before us, smoke drifting across the rooftops, and occasional thunderous explosion reverberating across the valley. On a low hill on the very edge of the city, I saw several Islamic State fighters climbing up to a flagpole where there a black banner now fluttered. One of two went up on the east edge of the city this morning marking the group’s entry into Kobane after a three-week siege. Street fighting has now begun, the Kurdish defenders say they relish the challenge, but feels like the beginning of the end."


A nurse in Spain has become the first person known to have contracted the deadly Ebola virus outside West Africa. The nurse treated two missionaries who died of Ebola after being flown home from the region. One of the men died in August, the other priest died in September. The nurse is now being treated in a?specialized unit in Madrid where her condition is described as stable. The Spanish Health Minister Ana Mato made the announcement. 

西班牙一名护士成为第一名西非意外感染致命性病毒埃博拉患者。这名护士曾治疗两名从西非回国途中感染埃博拉致死的传教士,其中一名在八月份死亡,另一名传教士在九月份去世。该护士现在正在特殊病房接受治疗,目前病情稳定。西班牙卫生部门大臣Ana Mato为此发表声明。

“This afternoon we have identified a case of Ebola in a patient in our country. Both health ministry and public health authorities are working together to give the best care to the patient and to guarantee the safety of all citizens.” Officials said other nurses and doctors who work with her would be monitored. Meanwhile, an American cameramen infected with Ebola in Liberia has been flown home and admitted to hospital in the United States, the fifth American to return for treatment. Ashoka Mukpo who was diagnosed early was taken to a bio-containment center.?

今天下午我们确认我国一名护士感染埃博拉病毒,卫生部门和公共卫生机构需要一起努力共同对该护士提供最优质的服务,保障全国人民的安全。有官员称曾与这名护士一起工作的护士和医生都应该受到观察。同时,美国一名摄影师也感染埃博拉病毒并已经运送回国,并在美国一家医院接受治疗,这是第五名美国人感染埃博拉病毒回国接受治疗。Ashoka Mukpo在早期时候得到确诊,现在已经被送往生物控制中心。

Gay rights groups have welcomed the ruling by the US Supreme Court on same-sex marriage as a momentum step forward for a quality. The court rejected appeals against lifting the ban on gay marriage in the states of Virginia, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin and Indiana. The ruling means same-sex couples can now marry immediately in those five states. The Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring said the ruling would make a real difference. 

美国最高法院对同性恋婚姻接受的良好势头得到了同性恋权利组织的广泛欢迎。法院驳回了弗吉尼亚州,奥克拉荷马州,犹他州,威斯康星州和印第安纳州反对解除禁止同性恋婚姻的上诉。这项裁决意味着同性恋夫妇在这五个州中可以马上结婚。弗吉尼亚州总检察长Mark Herring称此裁决将会带来彻底的改变。

“This is the outcome that we have hoped for, it is the outcome we have fought for and it is the outcome that the constitution requires. Today’s decision will change the lives of thousands of loving couples, their children in their families in a positive and transformative way.”


This is the World News from the BBC.


Pope Francis has urged clerics to speak their minds frankly at a two-week conference of the Vatican on controversial subjects, such as contraception, divorce and same-sex marriage. Our Vatican correspondent David Willy reports. 

教皇弗朗西斯呼吁神职人员能在为期两周的围绕梵蒂冈争议问题会议上畅所欲言,如避孕,离婚和同性婚姻等方面。下面是本台记者David Willy发回的报道。

“Pope Francis launched a discussion of what for many clerics are still taboo subjects by calling for a frank and open debate. He told more than 200 church leaders and experts not to mince their words, not to be afraid of offending him and to listen with humility. Vatican meetings are not normally like this. The language used to restrain them full of church jargon, but Francis wants his church to show more compassion to divorced or separated couples without modifying basic church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.”??David Willy reporting.

教皇法朗西斯发布一个讨论话题,而这个话题对于许多神职人员来讲仍然是禁忌话题,他们被呼吁要坦率和公开辩论。他告诉200多名教会领袖和专家,不要吝惜他们的文字,不要怕得罪他,他会以谦卑的态度来听取他们的发言。梵蒂冈会议通常不会这样举行。通常情况下教会讨论时用语需要具有限制性,但是弗朗西斯希望他的教会在没有修改基本教义的基础上对离婚和分居夫妇提供更多的同情。David Willy发回报道。

The Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has vowed to identify and punish those responsible for the recent disappearance of 43 students after clashes with police at a protest. In a televised address, Mr. Pena Nieto described the incident as shocking, painful and unacceptable. The students, all trainee teachers, went missing after a protest over job discrimination in the central city of Iguala. On Saturday, a mass grave was discovered on the outskirts of Iguala and forensic experts are now trying to establish whether the burnt bodies retrieved there are from the missing students. 

