英语听力精选进阶版 8340(在线收听) |
A massive security operation is taking place in?the?Canadian capital Ottawa after shots were fired at two locations including the Parliament. In the first incident, the soldier guarding a war memorial was shot and killed. Eyewitnesses say the gunman was chased by police into the nearby Parliament Building. Members of the Canadian Cabinet meeting in the building say they took cover after hearing volleys of gunfire. US officials say the gunman who was shot dead is believed to be Michael Z., a Canadian citizen. James C. is a senior CBC?reporter in Ottawa. 加拿大渥太华在发生两次枪击案件之后实施了大规模安全行动。其中一次枪击事件发生在国会大厦。在第一次枪击发生时战争纪念馆前的首位士兵被击中身亡。据目击证人称袭击者被警方追到国会大厦附近,数位在加拿大内阁会议成员表示在听到枪响之后立即采取了行动。美国官方表示被击毙的袭击者Michael Z是加拿大一位公民。CBC高级记者James C.在渥太华发回报道。 The lockdown which has been in place over much of the downtown Ottawa parliamentary precinct is now beginning to lift. Uh, many of the buildings, uh, that surround the Parliament Building had been under lockdown all day long now, and that is now beginning to lift. Police are still on the streets, the streets are effectively empty of vehicles. There is no one out there apart from people who are now leaving their workplaces where they have been closed all day. Uh, the Parliament Buildings are still under lockdown. There's a very painstaking and difficult operation going on; they are trying to secure the building in its totality. 之前对渥太华市中心国会大厦附近的封锁区域现在已经开始解除封锁,国会大厦附近的建筑物也已经经过了一整天的封锁开始解除封锁。警方仍然在街上巡逻,街道上停满了警车。在这里工作的人们也被封锁了一天。目前国会大厦仍然处于封锁当中。目前行动非常艰巨,他们想对整座建筑进行检查。 Meanwhile President Obama has offered his condolences in the wake of the attacks in Canada. 同时奥巴马总统对加拿大发生袭击案件表示了慰问。 It emphasizes … which we have to maintain vigil, like comes dealing with this kind of accesses, sense what smiles or terrorism. And I pledged as always, uh, to make sure that our national security team will be coordinating very closely given not only it's Canada, one of our closest allies in the world, but there are neighbors and our friends. Obviously we are all shaken by it, but we're gonna do everything we can to make sure that we are standing side by side we can to prepare for this difficult time. 这件事情强调了我们必须做好防范,防止这种以任何形式发生的突然袭击。我将一如既往确保我们国家安全队伍将会对,不仅对我们世界上最亲密的同盟加拿大,而且对我们所有的邻居和朋友保持密切协调关注。显然我们对此事件的发生受到了很大冲击,但是我们将会尽我们所有并肩作战共同度过这段艰难时期。 Police in Ottawa have warned people to stay away from windows and rooftops. Heavily armed police and soldiers, somewhere in balaclavas, are going door to door in downtown Ottawa.? 渥太华警方已经警告市民远离窗户和屋顶。全副武装的警察和士兵在渥太华市中心挨家挨户进行安全检查。 The Red Cross which is trying to tackle Ebola in Sierra Leone says the scale of the outbreak is so bad that it's now having to retrieve a very high number of corpses a day. Steve M. is the organization's director of the Emergency Ebola Operations in Sierra Leone. 塞拉利昂工作的红十字会表示目前埃博拉疫情爆发状况已经非常糟糕,现在每天接收的尸体数量已经达到非常高的数值。埃博拉紧急行动小组组长Steve M.正在塞拉利昂工作。 On a daily bases, we are getting between 75 to 100 bodies a day that need to be recovered here in the Free, capital Freetown and in the rest of the country we are also having numbers increase anywhere between 20 and 50 a day. It's absolutely a huge challenge because this work needs to be impeccable; you could not make one mistake. We have to be extremely disciplined, and the discipline comes from repetition. Any little exposure puts our teams at risk.? 日常基础上我们每天接收尸体数量为75到100个,在首都弗里敦还有该国其他地区我们每天还多接收20到50个尸体。这绝对是一项巨大的挑战,因为这种工作必须谨慎,不可以出现任何失误。我们必须保持非常严格的纪律性,这种严格的纪律来自不停的重复。任何一丁点儿的暴露就会使我们整个队伍陷入风险。 Earlier, the head of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent described travel bans imposed by some countries to curb the virus as irrational. He said measures such as closing borders, canceling flights and isolating countries make no sense and created panic.? 早些时候,国际红十字会和红新月会领导人称某些国家实行旅行禁令来遏制疫情传播的行为是非常没有道理的。他说像关闭边境,取消航班,孤立国家这些措施都毫无意义,只会引起恐慌。 World News from the BBC. 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 Parliament in Rwanda has voted in favour of banning the BBC in the country following a television documentary about the genocide of 1994. The BBC programme Rwanda's Untold Story which was broadcast earlier this month questioned some of the official accounts of what happened during the genocide.? 卢旺达议会就禁止BBC在该国播出其1994年种族灭绝大屠杀纪录片一事进行投票。BBC策划卢旺达不为人知的种族灭绝一事在本月早些时候的播出引起了官方的一片质疑,人们都在询问种族灭绝期间到底发生了什么。 A US Federal jury has found four formal security guards from the company Blackwater guilty of shooting dead 14 unarmed Iraqis and wounding more than a dozen others in Baghdad in 2007. One formal guard was found guilty of first degree murder and three others of voluntary manslaughter as Juana Jolly reports from Washington. 美国联邦陪审团发现四名来自黑水公司的雇佣兵曾在2007年杀害14名手无寸铁的伊拉克人,并造成数十名巴格达人受伤。一位雇佣兵被控告有一级谋杀罪名,其他三个雇佣兵被指控为故意杀人罪名。Juana Jolly从华盛顿发挥报道。 The seven-week trial focused on why four Blackwater's security guards opened fire and threw grenades into a crowded Baghdad street as they attempted to clear a path for a US State Department convoy. The US investigation found 14 people died in the incident with a further 80 injured. Lawyers for the defence said the guards were reacting to gunfire from insurgents in the Iraqi police. But prosecutors argued they had shown a grave indifference to the carnage their actions would cause and that some of them harboured low regard and deep hostility towards Iraqi civilians. 关于为什么四位黑水公司雇佣兵为了给美国国务院车队开路朝着巴格达人群开火并仍掷手榴弹一事进行了为期七周的审判。美国调查发现有14人在事件中死亡,80多人受伤。辩护律师表示当时雇佣军是在回应伊拉克警方的叛乱行为。但是检察官认为他们的行为已经造成屠杀行为,他们中一些人对伊拉克居民抱有深深的敌意。 Police in Israel say a man has deliberately driven his car into a group of passengers at a train stop in east Jerusalem killing a baby and injuring eight people. The man was shot and injured by officers when he tried to run away. The BBC Middle East correspondent says there have been a growing number of security incidents in east Jerusalem.? 以色列警方表示一名男子开车故意撞向耶路撒冷东部火车站乘客,造成一名婴儿死亡,把人受伤。该男子在逃跑途中被警方击中。BBC中东记者表示目前耶路撒冷东部危害安全事件发生数量正逐渐上升。 The International Olympic Committee has granted provisional recognition to Kosovo and it's proposed that it be granted full membership when the IOC's General Assembly meets in December. The IOC's decision was opposed by Serbia from which Kosovo declared independence in 2008. If Kosovo does get full membership, it will be able to take part in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.? 国际奥委会在12月国际奥会大会上承认科索沃临时独立,并且由所有成员国一致同意授予。奥委会的决定在2008年科索沃宣布独立式受到塞尔维亚的反对。如果科索沃得到全票通过将参加2016年在里约热内卢举办的奥运会。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463156.html |