英语听力精选进阶版 8356(在线收听

The former leader of Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev has warned the world is in danger of entering a new cold war. Mr. Gorbachev made his comments at an event in Germany capital marking the 25th anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall. DM was there.


Mr. Gorbachev warned that because of the crisis in Ukraine, the world is on the brink of a new cold war, adding that some believes this war has already begun. Referring to the negotiations he took part in with western leaders to avoid blood shed in 1989, he said that today lessons should be drawn from those talks and more controversially for those in the west, he said Europe was partly to blame for today's increase tensions, accusing the west of triumphalism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.


The Dutch foreign minister has warned the remains of last 9 victims from Malaysian Airlines plane that were down 4 months ago in rebel-held eastern Ukraine may never been recovered. Bert Koenders was speaking in Ukrainian city of Kharkiv as coffins carrying the remains of another 5 victims were flown to the Netherlands.

荷兰外交大臣警告称马来西亚四个月前在乌克兰东部叛军控制地区坠毁的航班最后9名遇难者遗体可能永远不会找到。Bert Koenders在乌克兰城市基辅发表这一讲话,同时携带5名遇难者遗体的棺材正被送往荷兰。

We cannot say at this moment in any certain way because you know the forensic work is very complex work. At what moment and even if we can recover those last 9 but we will do everything we can in cooperation with authority here to make that happen.


All 298 people on board flight MH17 died. Most were Dutch citizens.


North Korea has released 2 American citizens who were sentenced to terms of hard labor after being convicted of anti-government activities. The state department said Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller were on their way home. They were being accompanied by the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, he negotiated directly with North Korean authorities. More from Tom E in Washington.

朝鲜已经释放被指控反政府活动被判处劳动的两名美国人。美国国务院说Kenneth Bae和Matthew Todd Miller正在回家的路上。他们在国家情报负责人James Clapper配送下回国,也正是James Clapper,与朝鲜当局进行了直接交涉。下面是本台记者从华盛顿发回的详细报道。

As we ended in North Korea, the situation surrounding the release of the 2 men is as murky as their initial arrested. Matthew Miller was allegedly held after ripping his visa and demanding asylum in the secretive state. Kenneth Bae, a missionary who was reported to have health problems, was accused of trying to set up an underground network in the country. Their release comes a month after another American Jeffrey Fowle was freed, meaning Pyongyang holds no more US Prisoners.

在我们结束朝鲜之旅之后,关于释放两名美国人的举措为其最初逮捕举措蒙上了阴影。马修米勒称其夺走他的护照之后便转移到了秘密地方。Kenneth Bae是一位传教士,但被报道称其身体有问题,被指控试图在该国家建立地下网络系统。他们在另一个位美国人杰弗瑞福尔释放一个月之后得到释放。这也就意味着再也没有没有美国人被关押在平壤。

The United States military said coalition aircrafts have targeted a gathering of islamic state leaders near the Iraqi city of Mosul. According to US central command, the airstrikes late on Friday destroyed a convoy of 10 IS armed trucks. It said it could not confirm whether the group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was among those attending the gathering. Earlier Iraq welcomed to President Obama's decision to deploy 1500 additional US troops to support the fight against IS militants.

美国军方表示空军联盟对伊拉克城市摩苏尔附近伊斯兰恐怖组织领导人聚集的地方进行了瞄准射击。根据美国中央总司令称周五的空袭击中了伊斯兰组织10辆武装卡车。其称现在尚不清楚恐怖组织领导人Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 是否在出席领导人中间。早些时候伊拉克对奥巴马决定增派1500名美国士兵前往伊拉克对抗伊斯兰武装分子的决定表示欢迎。

News from the BBC.


African business leaders have pledged nearly 30 million dollars to help fight the Ebola epidemic. The funds which will be managed by African development bank will raise at the meeting in the Ethiopia capital Addis Ababa. The money will be used to pay for at least 1000 health workers who'd be deployed to the three country worst affected by the virus, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.


President Obama has formally nominated a New York federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch as US Attorney General. At a news conference, he urged the Senate to endorse her without delay. Mr. Obama said she had distinguished herself as tough and fair.

奥巴马总统正式提名纽约联邦检察官Loretta Lynch为美国司法部长。在一场新闻发布会上,他督促参议院果断支持Loretta Lynch。奥巴马说她能够保持公正公平。

Loretta might be the only lawyer in America who battles mobsters, and drug lords and terrorists and still has reputation for being a charming people person. And that probably because Loretta doesn't look to make headlines. She wants to make a difference. She is not about splash, she is about substance.


If her appointment is confirmed, Loretta Lynch would succeed Eric Holder who resigned 6 weeks ago.

如果确认通过的话,Loretta Lynch将会接任6个星期之前Eric Holder辞去的职位。

Yemen's Shiite Houthi movement, which seized the capital Sanaa in September has rejected a new power-sharing government that president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi announced on Friday, thwarting his efforts to end the country's political crisis. The group said President Hadi's choice of Cabinet ministers did not abide by what had been agreed. The government was also rejected by the president's own party, the General People's Congress which dismissed him from his poses.

也门什叶派胡塞运动在九月份控制了首都萨那,现在拒绝了总统Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi在周五提出的权力分享政府建议,对他结束该国政治危机工作进行了阻挠。该组织说总统Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi关于组建内阁成员的决定没有被同意。该政府同样被总统自身党派拒绝,人民大会也驳回了他的这一提议。

Morocco has repeated its' demand for a postponement of the African Cup of Nations because the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Moroccan sports officials said the tournament should be moved from next year to 2016. But they did not answer ultimatum from the confederation of African Football, urging Morocco to confirm that it will host the event in January, February. Correspondences said the Cup is now most unlikely to take place in Morocco.

