英语听力精选进阶版 8378(在线收听

President Obama has condemned what he called the "barbaric murder" of an American journalist Luke Somers and a South African teacher Pierre Korkie. They've been held hostage by Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen. The US military says the men were murdered by capturer during a rescue attempt, Frank Gardner has the details.

奥巴马谴责杀害一名美国记者Luke Somers和一名南非教师Pierre Korkie的行为,并称之为的“野蛮的谋杀”。两人被也门基地组织武装分子劫持为人质。美国军方表示两人在一次营救行动中被捕。下面是本台记者发回的详细报道。

This is the America's third failed hostage rescue mission in the Middle East in less than six months. In July the special operations commanders launched a raid on the Islamic State hideout near Raqqa in Syria in a bid to free James Foley and other US and British hostages. They were too late : the men had been moved just days earlier. The same thing happened in November with Luke Somers in Yemen. In this latest raid, their intelligence was accurate, they correctly located where Luke Somers was being held. But once his capturers were aware they were being attacked, they killed both him and Pierre Korkie.

这是六个月之内美国方面第三次在中东地区进行解救人质行动。在七月特别行动中,指挥官为了解救 James Foley和美国和英国其他人质对藏身在叙利亚拉卡省附近的伊斯兰武装分子展开了突袭。但是行动终究是迟了一步,武装分子已经在几天之前把人质转移到了其他地方。同样的事情在十一月份再次上演,这次人质为Luke Somers,地点为也门。在最近的突袭中,他们的情报非常准确,准确袭击了Luke Somers被关押的地点,但是被绑架者称如果他们发动袭击的话将会杀掉两名人质和Pierre Korki。

The US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says an extra 1,000 American troops will stay in Afghanistan for the first month of next year to boost an EU-NATO led mission which is struggling to reach its planned strength. Mr Hagel is speaking in the Afghan capital Kabul.


President Obama has provided US military commanders the flexibility to manage any temporary fore-shortfalls that we might experience for a few months. As we allow for coalition troops to arrive in theater. This will mean that delayed withdrawal as up to 1000 US troops, but president's authorization will not change, it will not change our troops' missions or the long-term timeline for our withdrawal.


Militants loyal to the Islamic State group in Iraq are reported to have executed 16 members of tribe in the province Anbar in the west of the country. The leader of the ? tribe said the bodies of the victims will fling in an abandoned field in an area north of the town ?. In recent months, IS has believed they executed hundreds of members of this particular tribal group which is sided with the Iraqi government against the militants.


Typhoon Hagupit has crushed into eastern islands of Philippines, tearing down trees and power lines, reports from the city of ? where thousands were killed by typhoon Haiyan a year ago, say the roofs of some buildings have been blown away and families are sheltering by candle light in schools. ?, who was part of World Versions Typhoon response team said that the people were scared.


People hardly slept because that winds are howling, you know it's a awful night, there are giant ? outside and nobody can really sleep. As we go out of the building, we see that trees ?. it's almost like a ghost town outside.


This is the World news from the BBC


Pope Francis has warned that Christians are being driven from the middle east, the Pope said in a video message to Catholics in Iraq that the Islamic State militants do not want that to be any Christian in the region. He added that the group, which he called, extremist and fundamentalist, was also targeting others like ? community because of their religion and ethnicity.


The president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe has addressed thousands of delegates on the final day of the congress of the Governing Zanu-PF party in the capital Harare. The 90-year-old used the occasion to denounce the former colonial power Britain.


We together have responsibility to protect and defend this land, so it shall never again as it did, becoming a colonial entity of those wonderers who call themselves British.


Zanu-PF confirmed his wife Grace as the new head of its Women's Wing, correspondent said she maybe being groomed to succeed her husband.


Greek police have fired tear gas to disperse protesters on the main square in the capital Athens. Demonstrators set rubbish bins on fire and through petro-bombs at police. Earlier about 6,000 people marched through the streets to mark 6 years since police shot dead an unarmed teenager. The killing sparked the country's worst riots for years.


The draw for next year's Women's World Cup Football Tournament is taking place in the Canadian capital Ottawa. The event features an expanded field of 2014 and will be played in 6 Canadian cities from June. In the group face, the title defender Japan will face 3 first-time qualifiers. The Olympic champions the United States have a tough first-round of matches, meeting Australia, Sweden and Nigeria.

