英语听力精选进阶版 8409(在线收听) |
A court in Turkey has ordered a block on websites carrying?the?cover of the first issue of Charlie Hebdo to come out of last week's Islamic attack on the French magazine. The cover shows the prophet Muhammad mourning the 12 victims, but the judge describes it as criminal and blasphemous. The staunch secular newspaper Cumhuriyet Daily has published a four-page to selection of material, the paper's editor Utku Cakirozer defended his decision. 土耳其法院下令禁止网站刊登《查理周刊》发生恐怖袭击之后推出的杂志。该杂志封面描绘了先知穆罕默德对12名受害者进行哀悼,但是法官判定这一行为是犯罪和亵渎行为。世俗报纸《共和国报》对《查理周刊》杂志刊登了四版页内容介绍。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 “We prepared the selection of these cartoons and decided to publish it on the same day the latest edition went on sale. We did this merely to show our support for freedom of expression. We did this to give the message that freedom of expression should be maintained and that shouldn’t be precluded by terror.” 我们选择性的刊登了一些漫画决定在同一天出版销售,我们这样做是为了表达我们对言论自由的支持,是为了保护和支持这种自由不被恐怖袭击所打倒。 The police in Sri Lanka have opened an investigation into allegations that former president Mahinda Rajapaksa defeated in election last week, trying to retain power with the help of military. Charles Haviland?reports. 斯里兰卡警方对前总统马欣达拉贾帕克萨进行调查。拉贾帕克萨被指控在上周选举失败后试图在军队帮助下重新策划发动军事政变。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 “By all experiences, Mahinda Rajapaksa was quick to concede defeat and depart from his residents early on Friday. The election victor Maithripala Sirisena thanked him. But from Saturday, president Sirisena’s colleagues started alleging the former leader plotted to disrupt the counting and declared a state of emergency. They say the security force chiefs refuse took operate. Police are now investigating the claims. But Mr. Rajapaksa has denied them in all possible terms.” 周五早些时候马欣达拉贾帕克萨很快承认选举失败并从总统住所搬了出来。选举胜利者西里塞纳对此表示感谢。但是从周六开始,总统西里塞纳开始指控前领导任密谋发动政变并且宣布国家进入紧急状态。其表示安全部队长拒绝对此进行合作。警方正在对此事进行调查。但是前总统马欣达拉贾帕克萨否认其涉嫌策划政变。 Five men suspected of involvement in last month massacre at a school in Peshawar in Pakistan have been arrested across the border in Afghanistan. The arrests came after Pakistan's supplied information to the government in Kabul, 149 people died in the attack. Relatives of the victims have held a protest against cricketer term Politician Imran Khan, who’s paid the visit to the school. The protestors complained that it taken Mr. Khan 4 weeks to visit the scene in a province which is controlled by the political party he leads. 涉嫌参与上个月白沙瓦学校大屠杀袭击事件的5名犯罪嫌疑人在与阿富汗边境附近被捕。这一逮捕行动在巴基斯坦方面向喀布尔政府提供信息之后展开。在此次袭击中共造成149人死亡。遇难者家属向参观学校的政治家Imran Khan表达了抗议。示威者抗议对其事件发生4个星期之后才来其政党负责领导的省份袭击现场进行慰问。 The Spanish Supreme Court has agreed to examine a paternity claim against the former monarchy king Juan Carlos. The plaintiff Ingrid Sartiau a Belgium citizen, who alleges she’s the king's legitimate daughter. From Madrid, Tom Burrage. 西班牙最高法院同意审查要求前国王胡安卡洛斯索赔案。原告为比利时人Ingrid Sartiau,其称自己是国王的合法女儿。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 “Mrs. Sartiau claims her mother had an affair with King Juan Carlos in the 1960s after he married his now wife Queen Sophia. The case can only now be considered by Spain Supreme Court, because King Juan Carlos lost his immunity from any illegal proceedings when he abdicated last year in favor of his son Felipe. A separate paternity suit by a Spanish waiter called Alberto Sola who claimed his mother also had an affair with the king has not been accepted by the Supreme Court.” Sartiau称她的妈妈与国王胡安卡洛斯在1960年代国王与妻子索菲亚女王完婚之后出现婚外情。目前该案件被西班牙最高法院受理,因为卡洛斯国王退位后失去了他的法律豁免权。同时法院驳回了一名称为Alberto Sola的西班牙服务员称其母亲与国王有染的诉讼。 This is Natalia Royston for the latest World News from the BBC. Nitalia Roston为您播报BBC世界新闻。 At least 10 people have died in the American state of Texas after a bus carrying 15 prisoners and prison staff skidded off an icy bridge on Wednesday morning. Kim Ghattas is in Washington. 至少有10人在周三早上美国德克萨斯州一辆搭载50名罪犯和监狱工作人员的汽车坠入结冰河水中死亡。 “The bus was carrying 12 prisoners who were being transferred from one prison to another in Texas, also on board was three correction officers. The white bus was almost half way through its 6 hour journey from Abilene to El Paso on the border with Mexico. It slid on the icy roads at seven thirty in the morning just west of the town of Odessa slip down in an embankment and then hit a freight train before landing on its side. Eight prisoners and two correction officers died. The other five passengers were injured and taken into hospital.” 当时车辆搭载12名罪犯和3名监狱工作人员从一所监狱向另一所监狱转移。白色囚车从阿比林出发到与墨西哥边境附近埃尔帕索监狱,在行至6小时路程中的一半时,由于地面结冰打滑在7点半敖德萨城镇西部出现打滑随后撞向路堤,与随之而来的载货火车发生相撞。8名囚犯和2名预警死亡,还有另一名乘客受伤被送往医院。 The wife of Raif Badawi the Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years in jail in 1000 lashes has compared Saudi Arabia's action in publicly canning her husband to that of the Islamist militants who killed journalists at the Charlie Hebdo magzine. The public floggings started on Friday when Mr. Badawi was led into a square and given the first installment of 50 lashes. 被判入狱10年并判刑1000次鞭笞之行的Raif Badawi妻子把其丈夫抨击伊斯兰教行为与法国《沙尔利周刊》记者被杀行为进行了对比。周五时候再广场上进行首次50次鞭刑。 NASA has asked the crew on the international space station to return to the American side of the complex. Earlier on Wednesday the US crew put on breathing equipment to move to the Russia module after an alarm board suggested that there could have been an ammonia leak, data received and analyzed during the day suggested there was no leak and the alarm was caused by a transient error message. 美国宇航局已经要求国际空间站工作人员返回国际空间站美国区域。周三早些时候美国工作人员在发生氨泄漏警报之后带上呼吸设备转移到了俄罗斯区域。据当天的接收数据信息进行分析舱内没有发生氨泄漏,信息发出有误。 Organizers of the world's biggest cycling event the Tour de France say that that for first time an African team will take part in the competition this year. The team MTN Qhubeka is from South Africa. But it has cyclists from many other countries including Eritrea, Rwanda and Algeria. The Tour de France's director said he hoped the participation of African team would help boost cycling on the continent. The Tour de France begins in July. 世界最大的环法自行车赛组织者表示今年非洲队伍将首次参与比赛。这名名为MTN Qhubeka的队伍来自南非。但其队员来自众多其他国家人员,包括厄立特里亚,卢旺达和阿尔及利亚。环法自行车赛负责人表示其希望非洲队伍的参与有助于帮助提高大赛在该大陆的影响。环法自行车在在七月份举行。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463298.html |