英语听力精选进阶版 8410(在线收听) |
The US president Barack Obama and the British prime minister David Cameron have announced the creation of a joint group to work together on tackling Islamic radicalization. They were speaking after wide ranging talks on mutual security.?Gary O'Donoghue?reports from Washington.? 美国总统奥巴马和英国首相卡梅伦宣布创建合作部队共同应对伊斯兰极端宗教主义。这一计划发表在进行安全会谈之后。下面是本台记者从华盛顿发回的报道。 The new trans-Atlantic group on radicalization is due to report back to London and Washington in 6 months' time. It has some notable names on?it, including the former secretary of state Collin?Powell. It will look at some difficult issues such as what to do with foreign fighters when they return from conflict zones like Syria to their own countries.??They will hold after other announcements. The difficulties for both men is that they vowed to?tackle some?very difficult problems and solutions?would?not be easy to come by.? 这一应对极端主义组织的新跨大西洋将在六个月内向伦敦和华盛顿方面报到。其组织成员包括一些声名显赫人物,包括前国家秘书长科林鲍威尔。该组织将就重大问题展开讨论,例如如何处置从叙利亚或其他战争地区回国的外国战士。他们随后还有其他的声明,双方面临的难题是他们承诺来处理一些非常棘手的问题,但实在难以寻找到可以解决问题的方法。 Earlier the two leaders?have?agreed to conduct joint cyber security war games?and?established?a?cyber cell to enable security agencies?for both countries to pool intelligence on?malicious hacking. The first round of world games?due to take place later this year will simulate?a?cyber attack on financial institutions?in London and NewYork.? 早些时候,两位领导人决定举行网络安全军事演习,并建立网络中心,使得两国的安全机构能共享恶意攻击方面的情报信息。第一轮世界性网络安全演习预计将在今年年底举行,内容为伦敦和纽约金融机构遭受网络袭击。 Police in Belgium?have?charged 5 people with participating in the activities of?a?terrorist group. As charge for among more than 2 dozens?people?arrested since Thursday in the series of anti-terror raids carried out by police in Belgium, France and Germany. The raids?targeted possible accomplices?in?the attacks that?killed 17 people in Paris last week.? 比利时警方指控5人涉嫌参与恐怖组织活动的犯罪嫌疑人。自周四,比利时、法国和德国警方发动反恐突击行动以来,已有20多人被控该罪名。这些突击活动的搜捕对象是上周巴黎袭击案的同伙,该恐怖袭击造成17人死亡。 Scientists monitoring global temperature says last year was the hottest in modern times. Parts of the United States were a notable exception.?The?figures mean 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred since the turn of the century. John Tucker as a scientist from the US space agency NASA which helped compile?the data.? 全球气温检测专家称去年是当代最热的一年。美国部分地区是个显著的例外。这些数据表明最热的15年中,有14年出现在世纪之交之后。美国航天局科学家约翰 塔克帮助整理了这些数据。 2014, the year just ended, was the warmest year on record going back when the record started?in?the 1880s. 2014 was about one and a quarter degrees firm high warmer than the average temperature?of?the earth during the 20th century. Increasing surface temperature means rising sea levels that increased the possibility of storm surges and coastal flooding.? 刚刚过去的2014年是自1880年代记录以来最热的一年。2014年的温度比20世纪地球平均气候要高1.25摄氏度。地表温度的升高意味着海平面上升,这可能会导致风暴和沿海洪灾。 The Saudi authority has postponed the next?scheduled?public lashing of political activist?Rafi Badawi?quoting medical ground. A doctor reportedly recommended the delay because his wounds?had?not healed adequately from a first batch of lashes.? 沙特当局推迟了原计划对政治活动家巴达维的公开鞭刑,据悉是出于健康原因。一名医生建议推迟鞭刑,是因为巴达维第一次鞭刑的伤口还未完全愈合。 Rafi Badawi's wife told the BBC that his case has been referred by the officers of??Saudi king to the country's supreme court, then she said this has given him hope that officials?wanted?end his punishment as the supreme court has the power to overturn his conviction. His sentence for publishing a liberal website which discusses religion, politics and free speech has sparked an international outcry. Human right groups have condemned it as brutal and several governments have asked the Saudis?to review the case.? 巴达维的妻子告诉BBC记者称,巴达维的案件已由沙特国王转交给该国最高法院,她说这样就给了巴达维希望,希望官方想终结对他的惩罚,因为最高法院有权力推翻对他的定罪。他因发布一个谈论宗教、政治和自由言论的自由网站而获刑,此案已经引发国际公愤。人权组织称这是野蛮行为,几个国家的政府已经请求沙特重审此案。 BBC news.? BBC新闻。 The Russian authority has launched?a new?investigation into president Putin's?most?high profile opponent, the anti-corruption campaigner?Alexei Navalny. Mr. Navalny was taken?in?for questioning and his office raided over allegations?that??money raised for his foundation had?been spent on staff salaries?instead of what the authority said were the aims?of the organization. Mr. Navalny has rejected the allegations.? 俄罗斯当局对普京总统最高调的反对者、反腐斗士纳瓦尔尼进行新的调查,纳瓦尔尼已被带走审问。他的办公室已被搜查,据悉是因为其组织机构资金被用来给员工发放薪水。而纳瓦尔尼对此表示否认。 At least?170 people are known to have died in flash floods that?hit?Malawi over the?last month. More than?100,000 people have been displaced. Earlier this week, president Peter?Mutharika?declared a?thrid of the?country's disaster zone and appealed for international help. More than?50,000 people have also fled their homes in neighboring Mozambique.? 据悉上月马拉维山洪爆发中,至少170人丧生。已经有10多万人已经撤离。本周早些时候,总统Peter?Mutharika宣布了该国的第三个灾区,并向国际社会寻求帮助。与此同时邻国莫桑比克也有5万多人被迫离开家园。 Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth will appear in the public next week for the first time since a woman alleged that she had been forced to have sex with him as an underaged teenager 10 years ago.??The prince who denies the allegations?will host a reception?promoting British?entrepreneurship at the world economic forum in Davos in Switzerland. Peter Hunt reports.? 伊丽莎白女王次子安德鲁王子下周将首次公开露面回应性侵案。这名女子称10年前当时是未成年人的自己被迫与王子发生关系。王子对该指控进行否认,他将在达沃斯世界经济论坛上主持招待会来推广英国企业。下面是本台记者发回的报道。 Prince Andrew has decided to press?ahead?and fly on a private jet to Switzerland next week?and?host?a?reception?of?Davos. To a pullout at this late stage after the invitations?to the reception had?been sent would have been a very concrete side?of?the damage, this?allegations?had been afflicted to the queen's son, allegations?which had been denied in 2 statements.??The claims have?focused?the?attention again on the prince's failure of judgement when he chose to stay?friends with the convicted sex offender?Jeffrey Epstein. There are risks attached?to?the?decision not?to keep a low profile, not least the considerable attention prince Andrew will now attract with the gathering of world leaders.? 安德鲁王子决定下周乘坐私人飞机前往瑞士并在达沃斯主持一场招待会,如果在最后时刻不出席招待会后果严重,该指控对女王之子来说非常不利。他已经在两次声明中否认了该指控。该指控再次将注意力转向王子判断力的失误,安德鲁王子曾选择和性犯罪者艾波斯坦保持朋友关系。而这一高调之举将会给安德鲁王子带来风险,这不仅仅是指安德鲁王子在与世界领导人会面时会吸引更多关注(对以后生活也可能产生影响)。 Teams from all over Africa have arrived in?equatorial?Guinea for the start of African Cup of Nations, just 2 months after the country stepped in as a host.Morocco?was originally intended to?hold?the event but asked to postpone it because of concerns?about the possible spread of?the?Ebola virus.? 非洲各国球队已经抵达赤道几内亚参加非洲国家杯开幕式,就在两月前该国被选为主办国。原定举办方摩洛哥因考虑到埃博拉疫情影响放弃了举办权。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463308.html |