英语听力精选进阶版 8411(在线收听) |
Suspected Boko Harram militants from Nigeria have kidnapped dozens of people, many of?them children in Cameroon. The country's information minister said militants attacked in the early hours of Sunday in the far north of Cameroon. From Lagos, here is Will Ross. 尼日利亚博客圣地组织组装分子犯罪嫌疑分绑架了喀麦隆数十名当地居民,其中大部分为儿童。尼日利亚信息部长表示武装分子在周日早些时候袭击了喀麦隆北部边远地区。下面是本台记者从拉各斯发回的报道。 “Security sources say the Boko Harram fighters attacked the village of Mada in Mokolo district close to the Nigerian boarder. It's not known how many people were killed, or exactly how many were taken away by the jihadists, who also set fire to more than 20 homes. In recent years, almost all of the Boko Harram's attacks have been inside Nigeria. But now, villages, towns and barracks in Cameroon, are also been targeted. Neighbouring Chad has just sent soldiers to help Cameroon in the fight against the jihadists.”? ?? 安全部队表示博科圣地组织战士袭击了尼日利亚边境附近莫科洛区域Mada村庄,目前尚不清楚遇难人数,或遭绑架具体数字。博客圣地组织武装分子还向当地20多所房屋进行了烧毁。近几年,博科圣地组织大部分袭击都发生在尼日利亚内部,但是现在喀麦隆境内村庄,城镇和兵营都已成为了袭击目标。邻国乍得已经派遣军队帮助喀麦隆对抗圣战分子。 The Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah says 5 of its fighters, including a senior commander, have been killed in an Israeli air strike in the Syrian sector of the Golan Heights. The incident took place days after the Hezbollah leader Hassam Narsrallah warned that his forces might retaliate against, what he called, repeated Israeli strikes inside Syria. Paul Wood?reports from Beirut. 黎巴嫩什叶派真主党称其5名战士被以色列激进组织在叙利亚境内戈兰高地进行空袭中死亡,其中包括一名高级指挥官。该事件发生在真主党领导人Hassam Narsrallah发布警告称其部队要在叙利亚境内展开报复行动之后。下面是本台记者从贝鲁特发回的报道。 “Not only was a senior Hezbollah commander killed in the Israeli strike, but also were told a commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guard to compound the blow, the Hazbollah dead also included Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of the late Hezbollah military chief Imad Mughniyeh. It's not clear if this strike was another targeted killing as Israel calls them. Instead Israeli security sources quoted the saying that one of its helicopters on the board with Syria fired missile into a car conducting reconnaissance for a Hezbollah attack.” 不仅真主党一位高级指挥官在以色列袭击中遇难,还有配合打击行动的伊朗革命卫队指挥官,还有真主党军事首领伊迈德穆格尼耶儿子Jihad Mughniyeh。目前尚不清楚这场袭击是否是以色列所谓的另一场袭击。相反,以色列安全机构表示称一架在叙利亚着陆的飞机向真主党侦察车辆发射了一枚火箭。 The United States secret service says shots have been fired near the home of vice president Joe Biden in Delaware. Secret service personnel stationed at the house heard the shots on Saturday evening and saw a vehicle drive passed at a high speed. Mr. Biden and his wife were out when the incident happened. 美国特勤局表示副总统拜登特拉华家附近地区发生枪击案。屋内特勤人员在周六晚上听到了枪声并看到一辆车辆快速驶过。枪击案发生时拜伦和他的妻子并不在家。 The Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has vowed to retake control of east regions of the country from pro-Russian rebels.??He was speaking at a rally in the capital Kiev as the battle intensified around Donetsk airport in the east. 乌克兰总统波罗申科发誓从亲俄叛军手中重新夺回东乌克兰地区。波罗申科在首都基辅发表这一讲话。顿涅茨克机场东部局势日益加剧。 “We will not give up any piece of Ukrainian Land, we will ensure the return of Donbas, and we will show that one more highly important factor of our victory is our unity. Now Ukraine is united as never before, and our unity is one more guarantee of victory.” After days of heavy fighting at claims from the rebels they control the airport, the army said it’d retaken most of the ground. The two sides have been exchanging heavy artillery fire around Donetsk. Russia called for an immediate cease fire accusing Ukrainian forces of renewing their shelling of the area.” 我们不会放弃乌克兰任何一寸领土,我们将确保把顿巴斯夺回来,我们将向世人展示我们胜利的主要因素是我们的团结。现在乌克兰出现了有史以来最团结的时刻,我们的团结将会是胜利的有力保障。经过数天与叛军的激战他们控制了机场,军队表示称其将重新夺回大部分土地。双方围绕顿涅茨克展开了激烈交火。俄罗斯呼吁其立即指责俄罗斯方面对东乌克兰地区的攻击。 World news from the BBC. 下面为您播报BBC世界新闻。 The Belgian authorities have announced they would seek the extradition one of people arrested in Greece on Saturday over a possible link with the foiled Islamic attack. Earlier Belgian officials have denied any link between the group 6 people arrested in Greece and the Jihadi cell uncovered last Thursday. But a statement of the Belgian prosecutor’s office said that after further analysis there were enough reasons to request the extradition. 比利时当局宣布其将引渡一名周六在希腊被捕的疑似与伊斯兰组织有关人员。早些时候比利时官员否认与上周四希腊被捕的六名圣战分子有关系。但是在比利时检察官办公室发布的声明中表示经过一系列分析,有足够理由要求引渡犯罪嫌疑人。 Palestinian protestors have thrown eggs at the Canadian foreign minister John Baired as he was visiting the west bank city of Ramallah. Mr. Baired was not hit though some eggs struck his motorcade.??Canada has opposed the Palestinian’s recent move to join the International Criminal Court. Mr. Baired said Canada would not apologize for its support for Israel. 巴勒斯坦示威者向正在对巴勒斯坦西部沿岸城市拉马拉进行访问的加拿大外交部长约翰贝尔德投掷鸡蛋。贝尔德没有被鸡蛋砸中,鸡蛋砸中了行驶车辆。加拿大反对了巴勒斯坦最近向国际刑事法院提交的加入申请。贝尔德表示加拿大不会对其支持以色列而表示道歉。 “We take a strong position supporting all the liberal democratic state in the region. We take the view that progress is best made through negotiation, not to unilaterally act on the other side. We are proud of that position. We believe it's the best one and don't apologize for.” Mr. Baired was in Ramallah to meet his Palestinian counterpart during a 5-day trip to the region.? 我们将采取强硬立场来支持该地区所有自由民主的国家。我们认为最好的解决办法是通过谈判而不是单方面行动。我们对这一立场表示自豪。我们相信这是最好选择并不需要表示抱歉。贝尔德正在拉马拉会见巴勒斯坦领导人,并将进行为期五天的访问。 Authorities in the central Africa Republic say a leader of the Christian anti-Balaka militia has been arrested in connection with murders, rapes and looting during the countries sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims. The country's prosecutor Rodrigue Ngaibona, known as Andilo, has been detained on Saturday by Cameroonian peace keepers after several months on the run.? 中非共和国当局表示一位反对巴拉卡民兵基督徒领导人涉嫌在该国家基督徒与穆斯林暴力冲突中谋杀,强奸和抢劫被捕。该国检察官Rodrigue Ngaibona在经过数月逃往之后被喀麦隆维和人员在上周六逮捕。 On the second day of the Africa Cup of Nations’ football tournament, former winner Zambia has drawn 1-1 with Democratic Republic of Congo. Tunisia and Cape Verde also drew 1-1. All 14s in group B now have one point each. The host Equatorial Guinea has been criticized for poor preparation and had only 2 months to get ready after Morocco pulled out because of fears about Ebola. 非洲国家杯足球赛比赛第二天,卫冕冠军赞比亚与刚果共和国踢出1:1成绩。突尼斯和佛得角也踢出1:1的成绩。所有B组球队都各得一分。东道主赤道几内亚被批比赛准备不足,在摩洛哥因担心埃博拉疫情退出之后仅有2个月时间准备赛事。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/yytljxjjb/463312.html |